Deb Burns
College of Communication and Fine Arts Dean, Professor of Music Therapy

- Ph.D. in Music Education/Music Therapy, University of Kansas
- Master’s in Music Therapy, Illinois State University
- Bachelor of Arts in Music Education, Glenville State College, West Virginia
Dr. Debra Burns is a renowned expert in music-based intervention research, focusing on mixed methodologies across the cancer treatment continuum, from disease-directed treatment and survivorship to end-of-life care. Her extensive work includes collaboration and consultation on several National Institutes of Health-funded studies, where she specializes in research methodology, identifying essential components of music interventions, designing appropriate control conditions, and monitoring treatment fidelity.
Dr. Burns holds a Ph.D. in music education and music therapy from the University of Kansas, a master’s degree in music therapy from Illinois State University, and a Bachelor of Arts in music education from Glenville State College in West Virginia. She completed five years of postdoctoral training funded by the Walther Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health/National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
With a publication record that includes over 25 papers in esteemed journals such as the Journal of Music Therapy, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, and Supportive Care in Cancer, Dr. Burns has made significant contributions to the field. She has been an active member of the American Music Therapy Association since 1989. Her expertise lies in the effectiveness of music-based interventions in cancer and hospice/end-of-life care, utilizing randomized controlled trials, qualitative research, and mixed methods in her studies.
Professional Experience
- Board-Certified Music Therapist #04036
- Five years of postdoctoral training funded by the Walther Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health/National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
- Liu, X., Burns D.S., Hilliard RE., Stump T. (2016) Music Therapy Clinical Practice in Hospice: Differences between Home and Nursing Home Delivery. In Journal of Music Therapy.
- Robb, S.L., Burns, D.S., Stegenga, K.A., Haut, P.R., Monahan, P.O., Meza, J., Stump, T.E., Cherven, B.O., Docherty, S.L., Hendricks-Ferguson, V.L., Kintner, E.K., Haight, A.E., Wall, D.A., Haase, J.E. (2014). Randomized clinical trial of therapeutic music video intervention for resilience outcomes in adolescents/young adults undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant: A report from the Children’s Oncology Group. In Cancer (pp. 909-917).
- Bradt, J., Burns, D.S., Creswell, J.W. (2013). Mixed methods research in music therapy research. In Journal of Music Therapy (pp. 123-148).
- Burns, D.S. (2012). Theoretical rationale for music selection in oncology intervention research: An integrative review. In Journal of Music Therapy (pp. 7-22).
- Burns, D.S., Perkins, S.M., Tong, Y., Hilliard, R.E., Cripe, L.D. (2015). Music therapy is associated with family perception of more spiritual support and decreased breathing problems in cancer patients receiving hospice care. In Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (pp. 225-231).
- Meadows, A.N., Burns, D.S., Perkins, S.M. (2015). Measuring Supportive Music and Imagery Interventions: The Development of the Music Therapy Self-Rating Scale. In Journal of Music Therapy.
- Burns, D.S. Meadows, A.N. (2015). "Music Therapy Research." In B Wheeler (Ed.), Music Therapy Handbook (pp. 91-102). NY: Guilford Press, Inc.