Educator Dispositions Assessment 

The EDA is utilized to identify disposition issues that may arise with candidates within courses and in-the-field. To ensure that the EDA is utilized fairly and candidates receive due process, the Office of Teacher Education & Clinical Practice (OTECP) has identified a Disposition Concerns Process. This process can be utilized with all initial licensure candidates (undergraduate and MAT).

OTECP Disposition Concerns Process: 

  • The EDA and Disposition Concerns Process will be introduced to all teacher candidates upon being admitted to TEP.
  • The EDA and Disposition Concerns Process will be discussed with teacher candidates in every education course taken and all orientations.
  • Course Instructors, Supervisors, or Mentor Teachers can complete the EDA if candidates exhibit dispositional concerns.
  • One completed EDA is a warning. The candidate and person who completed the EDA meet to discuss the concerns.
  • The completed warning EDA will be submitted to the OTECP and filed.  
  • If two EDAs are completed on a teacher candidate, the teacher candidate must meet with the EDA Committee.
  • The committee for candidates who receive two EDAs will consist of the Director of Teacher Education, program coordinators, faculty, and other administrators as needed.
  • The committee will be convened by the Director of Teacher Education.
  • The candidate and all EDA committee members will receive a copy of the meeting notes after the meeting is completed.
  • Once the teacher candidate meets with the committee, a formal decision letter will be sent to the candidate.
  • Candidates will be informed that they can appeal the committee decision with the Assistant Dean of Student Success & Strategic Initiatives.
  • The Assistant Dean will receive the decision letter as well as the notes taken at the EDA committee meeting.
  • The candidate will have 2 weeks to appeal the committee’s decision with the Assistant Dean. A meeting will be scheduled with the candidate if requested by them.