Academic Building & Classroom Access

Reach out to specific department or
Registrar’s Office
Space Planning & Utilization

Click HERE for VEMS Portal

Access to spaces other than University Center (UC) or Rose Theatre (RTH) must be requested via Virtual Event Management Software (VEMS) with all details being coordinated through the departmental contact for that space. If a space is not available in VEMS, please contact the department overseeing the space.

If you are needing a key for a specific building, reach out to Physical Plant's Lock shop.

Admission or Registration CES Scheduling Office
Phone: 901.678.5000
CES Coordinators can assist.
Click HERE for UC & Rose Theatre Users Guide
Additional fees apply for events charging admission.
Must use TigerTix for ticketing. Use of platforms such as Eventbrite not permitted. No cash ticket sales.
Alcohol Business Continuity & Risk Management
Phone: 901.678.3800
Click HERE for Alcohol Request Form

Form MUST be submitted for approval AT LEAST SEVEN BUSINESS DAYS prior to event date.



CES for FIT/UC/Rose events
Phone: 901.678.5000

ITS for Academic Buildings

CES Coordinators can assist.
Click HERE for UC & Rose Theatre Users Guide

AV needs must be communicated AT LEAST 2 WEEKS from event date to ensure proper staffing.

For UC Ballroom, UC Theatre, and Rose Main Stage: A run of show must be provided to the AV techs before the event to ensure smooth event flow.

Catering UM Dining (Chartwells)
Phone: 901.292.9674

Click HERE for Online Orders on Catertrax

Click HERE for Food Exception Form

Chartwells is the sole caterer on campus unless an exception has been approved by their department. A form for food exception must be sent to their department for approval.

Exceptions to this rule:

  • $200 for Faculty/Staff:
    • Anything you want to bring in is acceptable if it is under $200. Cannot be combined with Chartwells orders.
  • Pizza Exception:
    • Faculty, Staff, and RSOs are all allowed to bring in pizza, regardless of total cost, without receiving an exception from Chartwells.

Food Trucks: ALL Requests MUST go through Chartwells.

Custodial, Landscaping, & other Facilities-Related Items Physical Plant
Phone: 901.678.4888
Click HERE for the Work Order Submission Form Considerations for your event & Physical Plant’s involvement:
  • Large-scale events on the UC Lawn or Plaza requiring landscaping or custodial staff to be present.
  • Access to spigots on UC Lawn (will need to request spigot key).
  • Booking additional custodial staff members for larger events or weekend events.
  • Requests for the fountain to be on/off during your event.
Dance Practice CES Scheduling Office
Phone: 901.678.5000
Click HERE for UC & Rose Theatre Users Guide The only spaces authorized for dancing, exercising, and stepping/strolling are the UC Beale Room, Rose South Lobby, Fieldhouse Room 254 and the Rec/Wellness Centers.
Decor Rentals (On Campus)

UofM Event Consortium
Phone: 901.678.3607

Click HERE for Event Reserve Inventory

Click HERE for Event Reserve Checkout Form

Inventory is limited.
Decorations in the UC and Rose Theatre CES Scheduling Office
Phone: 901.678.5000
Click HERE for Decoration guidelines All decorations must be approved by the Scheduling Office. Damages caused by unauthorized decorations will result in fees charged directly to the department.
For more information, see page 22 in the UC Users Guide.
DJs External Vendors Click HERE for UC & Rose Theatre Users Guide All DJs must provide their own sound system regardless of the event location (inside or outside). CES can provide a table & chairs upon request.
If your event is outside, please see the Outdoor Amplification Policy below.
Event Civility & Explicit Language CES
Phone: 901.678.5000
Click HERE for UofM SafeZone In adherence to the university’s civility policy, all events must follow proper etiquette to ensure no public disturbances, harassment of individuals, or obscene language are being displayed. CES staff have the right to shut down events that do not follow the required guidelines.
FedEx Institute of Technology Meeting Spaces CES Sales Office:
CES Sales Team assists with FIT space availability and all details of event.  "One Stop Shop" invoicing for all event details. Reduced internal rental rates apply for all meeting spaces at FIT.
Catering orders & all event details coordinated by CES event team – all catering at FIT is provided exclusively through the Holiday Inn on campus, orders placed through your CES event coordinator.
Filming or Photography on Campus Media Room
Phone: 901.678.2843
Click HERE to view the Current Policies All individuals must adhere to the current policies and procedures.
Furniture Rentals (Off-Campus)

Hicks Conventions

Mahaffey Event & Tent Rentals

White Door Events

Click HERE for Hicks Website

Click HERE for Mahaffey Website

Click HERE for White Door Website

We encourage you to utilize the furniture available to you at the UC and Rose Theatre. However, if we are unable to meet your specific furniture needs, you are welcome to use other vendors. Hicks, Mahaffey & White Door are companies we frequently work with and can attest to their quality of service.

Whoever you choose to use, please alert the CES office that you will be bringing in outside furniture as we will not mix our furniture with other rental furniture.

Free Speech Dean of Students
Phone: 901.678.2187
Free Speech Application Must be requested AT LEAST 5 business days out.
Hosting Outside Organization Events On-Campus CES
Phone: 901.678.5000
Click HERE for UC & Rose Theatre Users Guide If any external entity reaches out to you, please reach out to the CES Sales Team FIRST.
If it is a true partnership, all details must be organized & paid for by the University Department (or RSO).
If the outside organization is handling event details and charges, then they need to work with CES Sales Team.
Inclement Weather CES
Phone: 901.678.5000

Click HERE for the Everbridge Community Alert webpage

Click HERE for UC & Rose Theatre Users Guide

If the University closes due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions, all activities will be suspended, including events scheduled in the University Center and Rose Theatre. Event fees will not be charged under these circumstances.

University closures will be communicated via the Everbridge system. 

For more information, see pages 22-23 in the UC Users' Guide.

Lactation Rooms Dean of Students
Phone: 901.678.2187

Click HERE for a list of Lactation Rooms on Campus

Click HERE for additional Lactation Support Resources

To access the UC Lactation room, please go to DOS office directly to get key fob.

UofMbookstore@memphis.edu     Phone: 901.678.2011

Click HERE for the UofM Bookstore Homepage Anyone looking to sell or have vendors sell merchandise on campus MUST receive approval from the University Bookstore beforehand.
Minors on Campus Educational Initiatives
Click HERE for the Minors on Campus Policies Any event bringing minors on campus must adhere to the current minors on campus policies and procedures.
Movie Rights CES
Phone: 901.678.5000
CES Coordinators can assist.
Click HERE for UC & Rose Theatre Users Guide
The policy for movies shown in the UC is as follows:
  • If the screening is open to the public, you must have the rights to the movie in your possession.
  • If the screening is closed to the public (within a private group), then possession of the rights is not required.
Outdoor Amplification Policy Dean of Students
Phone: 901.678.2187
Click HERE for the DOS Student Planner & Guide

Events in the outdoor spaces such as the Alumni Lawn or Student Activity Plaza must receive authorization from Dean of Students to have amplification on weekdays.

The only exception is Friday afternoons from 12:30-1:30pm.

Oversized Vehicle Parking & Access

Parking Services
Phone: 901.678.2212


Risk Management
Phone: 901.678.3800

Click HERE for Parking’s Website

Any large vendor vehicles (game trucks, blood drive buses, etc.) MUST be vetted by Risk Management and authorized for entry by Parking. Please work with parking and your CES point of contact to determine the best course of action for these situations.

PLEASE NOTE: The area between the Rawlins Service Court and the UC is for delivery and emergency vehicles ONLY.

Parking Parking Services
Phone: 901.678.2212

Click HERE for Open Garage Request Form

Parking arrangements must be made AT LEAST 3 WEEKS prior to your event.

Any event with more than 125 attendees must request the open garage. This is a flat rate of $500 for the day.

If your event has fewer than 125 attendees, you can request single-use parking vouchers from parking for $4 each.

Rehearsals CES
Phone: 901.678.5000

CES Coordinators can assist.

Click HERE for UC & Rose Theatre Users Guide

Larger productions in the Rose Theatre are allowed one rehearsal on the stage. Please coordinate this through your assigned CES contact.
Room Setups CES
Phone: 901.678.5000

CES Coordinators can assist.

Click HERE for UC & Rose Theatre Users Guide

Final room setup needs must be communicated AT LEAST 2 WEEKS from event date.

Last-minute changes to room setups may incur change fees.


Police Services

Emergency Phone: 901.678.HELP (4357)

Non-Emergency Phone: 901.678.3848

Click HERE for Campus Safety Information

Considerations for hiring security:
  • Number of attendees
  • Topic/Focus of event
  • Magnitude of event promotion

Police Services MUST be scheduled for events with 300+ attendees. This must be done AT LEAST 3 weeks prior to your event.

Events that typically don’t require security include simple meetings, lectures, and films.

NO external security companies permitted without prior vetting and approval from Police Services!

University Calendar Media Room
Phone: 901.678.2843
Click HERE for Calendar Guidelines There are guidelines to have your event featured on the University Calendar, not just for the UC/Rose calendar.
VEMS Troubleshooting CES Scheduling Office
Phone: 901.678.5000

Click HERE for VEMS Portal

Click HERE for a Guide to Using VEMS

If you are having issues with VEMS, please email a screenshot and description of the problem to scheduling@memphis.edu for assistance.