MA-ECON Degree Learning Outcomes

Goal 1: Graduates will acquire a strong base in theoretical economic analysis.

  • Formulate and solve optimization exercises.
  • Demonstrate a graduate level comprehension of microeconomic and macroeconomic theory.

Goal 2: Graduates will acquire discipline specific knowledge.

  • Demonstrate mastery of microeconomic theory including the theory of the firm, household behavior, market structure, information and uncertainty.
  • Demonstrate mastery of macroeconomic theory including economic fluctuations and growth and
    macroeconomic policy.

Goal 3: Graduates will acquire high level empirical skills.

  • Understand basic econometric modeling techniques.
  • Develop and estimate economic models, test economic hypothesis, and perform basic forecasting tasks.

Goal 4: Graduates will be able to communicate economic concepts effectively.

  • Present results of empirical analysis and their implications.
  • Demonstrate ability to synthesize modern economic micro and macro theory to address real-world issues.


 (page updated on 3/5/2018)