MSBA Degree Learning Outcomes 

 These are updated degree outcomes (effective Spring 2019) - Notes on the Updated MSBA Goals

Goal 1: Graduates will possess both theoretical and practical financial knowledge and skills consistent with 21st century organizational needs

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding and application of time value of money and concepts of advanced capital budgeting.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding and application of investments and portfolio management.

Goal 2: Graduates will be able to successfully pursue industry careers in the field of finance

  • Students will be prepared to take certification exams such as the CFA exam, the CFP exam, Series 66 exam, etc.

Goal 3: Graduates will be exposed to academic opportunities for future success in a terminal degree

  • Students will absorb and apply finance theory in concrete problems.
  • Students will be able to process a wide variety of financial datasets.

Goal 4: Graduates will be well-rounded professionals consistent with the needs in a wide-variety of working situations

  • Students can produce financial reports that effectively communicate their financial recommendations based on quantitative justifications.
  • Students can recognize and address ethical challenges in the area of financial decision-making for organizations.
  • Students can demonstrate an understanding of foreign currency markets.
  • Students can independently use software tools commonly used in financial decision-making and reporting by large organizations.


(page updated: 2/1/2019)