Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music
Re-opening Plans For Fall 2020

On July 30, the University announced that for the first month of the fall semester, curriculum delivery will be virtual/remote. Some face-to-face instruction that is simply not possible to conduct virtually will continue on campus, including some instruction in the School of Music. All face-to-face instruction will be conducted in small numbers and follow the carefully developed guidelines and protocols outlined in the return to campus plan.

We want to assure you that we're ready to get everyone back to school safely and with the utmost regard for any concerns you may have. Here are our answers to the questions we receive most often. Please check this page frequently for updates.

Frequently asked questions

The answer for most of our music students is yes. We know that most of our students want face-to-face lessons with their teacher each week. Most professors will be scheduling lessons in a hybrid method that includes a combination of online and in-person delivery. In-person lessons will follow CDC guidelines for appropriate social distancing standards and include other protective measures of masks, plexiglass barriers, as well as medical-grade air purifiers. This will be our “new normal” until we have highly effective COVID 19 therapies or a safe and effective vaccine. However, please understand we have some faculty and students in high-risk groups. We support remote applied instruction in those circumstances to ensure appropriate accommodations for those with such needs.

Academic music courses (music theory, music history, and music education) will be offered online at the start of the fall semester. All music classes will have a synchronous component to them to ensure students are receiving “facetime” with their professors, whether that’s online or in-person.

Yes. Vocal and instrumental ensembles will happen, but most likely in an online format that allows you to focus on different musical skills. Chamber music of five members or less will be able to use the music facilities on campus by following the School of Music’s Guidelines for Chamber Music: https://www.memphis.edu/music/faculty_covid_resources/som_chamber_guidelines.pdf

We are excitedly planning unique opportunities for our students to be able to participate in live performances this fall. Performances will be recorded for archival purposes, and some will be live streamed and available for public enjoyment via our current social media and video streaming platforms. We will utilize proper safety protocols during all performances.

We have installed audio and video capability to our classrooms, rehearsal spaces, and Harris Concert Hall where we have not had capacity previously. These additions will allow us to stream performance and events in HD audio and HD video to our online community.

Please see the School of Music’s list for student technology recommendations.

Yes. Practice rooms will be available for students that need them. Proper safety guidelines will be posted in each space and students will be able to schedule time through the University’s room scheduling software. Access times will be scheduled to allow for downtime between sessions for settling of aerosols and cleaning. For more information on room scheduling, visit the VEMS page.   

Final exams will be entirely remote or online. Performance juries for applied lessons will vary. Each area of the School of Music will be handling it slightly different. Details will be forthcoming from each area.

The University remains committed to accessibility and academic support for all students. Disability Resources for Students (DRS) is managing all COVID-19 related course modification requests, regardless of whether or not the student has a disability.
To start the process, you should complete the Request for Course Modification due to COVID-19 form at https://www.memphis.edu/drs/covid19-info.php. For help with this process, you may contact Disability Resources for Students (DRS) at drs@memphis.edu.

Distance learning spaces are small rooms outfitted with a desk, chair, and an iMac connect by ethernet cable. Students who do not have reliable internet service may reserve one of these rooms for music classes, assignments, or an online applied lesson. https://www.memphis.edu/music/faculty_covid_resources/policy_stud_space.pdf. Learn how to schedule an event using the virtual EMS web tool here.


Fall 2020 Academic Calendar

All fall 2020 classes will begin on Monday, August 17, 2020.

The last day of fall 2020 regular classes will be Tuesday, November 17, with five days for final exams ending on Tuesday, November 24, 2020. Students will not return to campus after the Thanksgiving break.

No. We will not be taking a fall break this semester but will observe the Labor Day holiday.



School of Music

All School of Music faculty and staff are accessible by email and available to schedule Zoom appointments from 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. You can locate faculty and staff email addresses here.

For all other questions related to the School of Music’s re-opening plans, please send an e-mail to music@memphis.edu.

University at Large

Police Services is dedicated to making The University of Memphis a safe place to learn and work. Emergency calls should be reported by calling 901.678.HELP (4357) and non-emergency calls should use 901.678.3848, or e-mail police@memphis.edu.

For all other questions related to the University’s reopening plans, please click here.

Resource Links 


https://www.memphis.edu/umtech/teaching/ for assistance with online support. 


Technology services and an introduction to ecourseware https://www.memphis.edu/umtech/teaching/ecwstudent.php 

International Student Services - https://www.memphis.edu/iss/

Disability Resources for Students - https://www.memphis.edu/drs/

Counseling Center- https://www.memphis.edu/counseling/about/index.php

Health Center- https://www.memphis.edu/health/index.php

Graduate School- https://www.memphis.edu/gradschool/

Employment Opportunities- https://www.memphis.edu/careerservices/students-alumni/search-jobs-internships.php

Financial Aid- https://www.memphis.edu/financialaid/index.php

Financial: Billboard Magazine- https://www.billboard.com/articles/business/9337908/coronavirus-resource-guide-music-professionals-help 

Financial: American Federation of Musicians- https://www.afm.org/covid-19/

Campus Life and Student Services- https://www.memphis.edu/academicsuccess/students/index.php