Authorized Approvers - PUBLIC HEALTH

Below are the Approvals Key and the current Approvers for this unit.

Approvals Key

  • OV = Course overloads exceeding maximum hours allowed during a term or part of term.
  • 25 = Undergraduate course overloads exceeding 25 hours during a term or part of term.
  • ADAdds after the last official date to add.
  • WDWithdrawal after the last official date to withdraw.
  • RGRegistration after the last official date to register.
  • RTRetroactive approval of adds, withdrawals, and/or registrations after term is complete.

Undergraduate Approver(s)

Ilias Kavouras (Assistant Dean) = OV / 25 / AD / WD / RG / RT

Graduate Approver(s)

Ashish Joshi (Dean) - OV / AD / WD / RG / RT

Ilias Kavouras (Assistant Dean) - OV / AD / WD / RG / RT

Marian Levy (Associate Dean) - OV / AD / WD / RG / RT

Shirl Sharpe - OV / AD / WD / RG / RT