Cross-listing and Course Combines
Cross-listing in Banner and Automatic Course Combines in Canvas
Banner cross-listing now drives the majority of “course combines” in Canvas. Canvas recognizes cross-listed sections in Banner and course shells are combined automatically (no ticket to ITS will be needed for course combines if sections are cross-listed).
New Requests for Cross-listing Sections in Banner
The request to cross-list sections is part of the section scheduling process managed by the Registrar’s Office. Many times, sections are already cross-listed from previous terms. If sections are not cross-listed and should be, the department scheduler will submit a ticket to the Registrar’s Office. Once cross-listed, Canvas will automatically combine the course shells.
Sections Should be Cross-listed Before the Start of the Term
Tickets to the Registrar’s Office to cross-list classes that are not cross-listed already should be sent at least one week prior to the start of classes. This will ensure time for processing and that student work is not lost during the course combine in Canvas.
Examples of when Classes are Cross-listed in Banner
- Triangle courses – sections in Banner that may be taught at different locations. These students are technically in one class though there are three or more sections.
- Multi-level sections – 4000/6000 level classes in one course together
- Honors sections where students may be in a regular section and an honors section of one course
- Sections sharing days, times, and one instructor
- Practicums and clinicals where students are interacting with other groups or class sections academically with the same credit hours and same instructor of record
Requests Outside of Cross-listing Examples
With the new Canvas feature of automatically combining cross-listed sections, we are providing these guidelines to help ensure cross-listed sections are consistent with FERPA and SACSCOC requirements.
In rare circumstances, courses may need to be cross listed that do not follow the guidelines. If this occurs, please have your department scheduler make the request to the Registrar’s Office in the class scheduling process. The Registrar’s Office will review the request and will send to the Provost’s Office for final approval.