Social Work Annual Symposium

Since 2012, the School of Social Work has hosted an annual Symposium, offering continuing education to local social work professionals, and collaborating on ideas to address issues unique to the Mid-South region.

Save the Date! Friday, May 2, 2025.

The School of Social Work at the University of Memphis warmly invites you to attend the 13th Social Work Symposium! Connect with your colleagues while gaining valuable information for practice and continuing education credits! The symposium will take place on Friday, May 2, 2025 at the University Center at the University of Memphis. The theme for this year is Social Work: Advocating for Community Well-Being. 

We are now accepting abstract submissions for presenters. Click here for submissions. 

Abstracts must contain no more than 500 words. Submissions must also include three learning objectives (no more than 25 words each), a 50-word overview, references from your proposed presentation (APA style), and a 50-word bio for each author. Deadline for abstracts is January 17, 2025. Authors will be notified of submission results by January 31, 2025. 


Symposium Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship prices and benefits can be found here. Please contact Dr. Robin Lennon-Dearing for additional details and sponsorship submissions.


We are now accepting student poster submissions. Click here for submissions.

The School of Social Work at the University of Memphis invites students at the baccalaureate or masters levels in social work and related disciplines to submit abstracts for poster presentations at the symposium. Students in social work and related fields at all levels are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts. Submission Guidelines: Students may submit abstracts in teams or individually. Abstracts must include the name of the faculty advisor and a list of all student presenters with university affiliation and email address. Abstracts must contain no more than 50 words. Student posters will be judged at the symposium and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places will be awarded. Deadline for submission is March 14, 2025. All properly submitted student poster proposals will be accepted for the Student Poster Competition to allow students to make travel plans early. Note: Students must be present to win a gift, although you can win the competition and receive the certificate by email.  Gifts will not be mailed.


For questions, please contact Dr. Robin Lennon-Dearing rlnnndrn@memphis.edu