Student Social Work Organization (SSWO)

The Student Social Work Organization (SSWO) is a student organization for Social Work students at the University of Memphis.


The mission of the Student Social Work Organization at the University of Memphis is to advance communication between students, faculty, administrators and community service providers in the social service fields.


The Student Social Work Organization is committed to social change by promoting empowerment and social justice through service and outreach.

SSWO Officers

• President – James Beasley
• Vice President – Bailey Amos
• Secretary – Vacant
• Liaison – Taylor Clark
• Treasurer – Brianna Poole
• Sergeant at Arms – Crisanna Patrick


Membership in SSWO is open to any University of Memphis Social Work student that is currently in good standing and registered at the University of Memphis for at least one or more credit courses.

If you would like to become a member of SSWO, please complete the SSWO membership application and submit the membership application to go.sw@mail.com.

Organization Policy

You can view the newly ratified Constitution and bylaws here: SSWO Bylaws