View Unofficial Grades

Use the portal's Student page to view your current term grades.

As the exam period approaches, pay particular attention to the two grades links on your Student page:

  1. Check Unofficial Grades
  2. Check Official Grades [official final grades]

Why Do We Need Two Links?

A way to view your Unofficial Student Grades has been created by the University for your convenience. If Unofficial Grades were not available, you would not be able to see any of your current term's final course grades until they were official.

Unofficial Student Grades

Use the Check Unofficial Grades link to view your final grades for the current term as soon as your instructors enter them but before they are declared "official." Faculty have until 10:00am on the Monday following the last exam to submit or revise their grades electronically. Grades are usually not declared "official" until the Thursday of the same week. This link allows you to see your grades ASAP.

Note 1
If you do not see an unofficial grade for one of your courses, it is for one of two reasons. Either the instructor has not entered the grade yet, or you have not completed a SETE (Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness) for the course's instructor. Academic administration at the University has linked viewing unofficial grades to completion of SETEs. If you need to complete a SETE, follow the appropriate link on your Student page.

Note 2
If you took classes in a part of term that concluded before the end of the semester (a First Half term in Fall or Spring; a First Half, or First/Second Teacher term in Summer), the original, unofficial grades will reappear in Student Unofficial Grades at the end of the semester. If one of these grades was subsequently changed, the changed, official grade will not appear here. Go to your Academic Transcript page and view your web transcript to confirm a changed grade for an earlier part of term.

Depending on when you access unofficial grades, it will contain three different messages.

  1. Prior to Final Exams, this message is displayed:

    Your unofficial grades are available as soon as your instructors enter them.
    Faculty have until 10am Xxxday, MM DD to enter grades.

  2. During or After Final Exams but Before Grades Are Official

    These are your unofficial grades. Grades will not become official until
    Xxxday, MM DD.

  3. Once Grades are Official

    Unofficial grades are no longer being displayed.
    Use the Check Official Grades link on the Student page to access official grades and GPA.

    A transcript will not contain the current term's grades until the grades and your GPA calculations are declared official.