Hooks Calendar of Events: 2012
October 03
Voter Registration Drive
October 3, 2012 | 10 am - 3 pm | University of Memphis Campus
The Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change sponsored a voter registration drive
from 10am to 3pm
Over twenty students volunteered at five locations on campus, to encourage their peers
to register to vote! In addition, 286 people were registered to vote as part of the
Hooks Institute Voter Registration Effort!
October 03
Last Hooks Institute National Books Award Committee Meeting
The Hooks Institute had a finally committee meeting with some of the panel of judges that have contributed their excellence and time to furthering the mission and vision of Dr. Hooks and the Institute.
To learn more about the Hooks National Book Award click here.
September 27
2012 Hooks Institute Open House
University of Memphis, Scates Hall 204 | September 27 | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
This is a free event & open to University of Memphis faculty, staff, and students.
September 27
Hooks Institute Board Meeting
September 27th marked the last Hooks Institute Board meeting of this year. We are thankful for our accomplished Hooks Institute Board members and their desire to pursue social change.
September 5
Cullen Jones Visits Splash Mid-South
September 5, 2012 | 7 pm
Splash Mid-South host Olympian Cullen Jones at a reception sponsored by the Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change. Splash Mid-South is committed to providing free or low-cost swim lessons to encourage minority participation in swimming.
Splash Mid-South is a community-wide, volunteer driven initiative composed of the following partners: Le Bonheur Children's Hospital, Safe Kids Mid-South, City of Memphis, the YMCA, the University of Memphis, Memphis Tiger Swimming, the Hooks Institute, and numerous volunteers!
August 31-September 21
"Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War"
An Exhibit and Eight Presentations at U of M. The exhibit was organized by the National Constitution Center and the American Library Association. Local sponsors include the U of M University Libraries, and the U of M Department of History and the U of M's Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change.
Click here for more info on "Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War."
APRIL 2012
April 20, 2012
Duty of the Hour: The Life and Times of Benjamin L. Hooks Orpheum Theater Red Carpet Premiere
The Orpheum Theatre, Memphis, TN
The public release and red carpet premiere of the documentary produced by the Hooks
Institute and its director, Daphene McFerren, and directed by award-winning filmmaker
Reece L. Auguiste. Photograph: Duty of the Hour Production Team.
April 18-20
Toward a More Perfect Union: Civil Rights, Human Rights, and Creating an Age of Social
April 18 - 20, 2012 | Michael D. Rose Theatre
A conference held to focus on the current state of civil rights activism and its relevancy
to life in America and how the Civil Rights Movement shaped and defined issues relevant
to international human rights movements today.
Michael D. Rose Theatre, University of Memphis. This event is free and open to the
April 15
WMC-TV 5 at 8 am, Memphis, TN
Daphene R. McFerren, Executive Producer, Duty of the Hour, interviews with reporter Ben Watson
April 15
Radio Interview FM 98.9 at 12:30 pm, Memphis, TN
Julie L. Graves, Assistant Director, Hooks Institute, interviews with reported Tony Nichelson regarding the April 20th Premiere of Duty of the Hour.
April 2
Interview: Who Will Bell the Cat? | Channel 3 News at 9 pm, Memphis, TN
Daphene R. McFerren, Hooks Director, and Ekundayo Bandele, Executive Director of the Hattiloo Theatre, interview with Channel 3 at 9 on the Hooks documentary, Duty of the Hour, and the Hattiloo Theatre production, Who Will Bell The Cat?
MARCH 2012
March 21
Lunch and Learn: Still Mining the "Forgotten: Black Catholic Sisters in United States History
Lecture by Shannen Williams, Candidate for Ph.D. in History at Rutgers University
National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis, TN, Lecture at 11:45am Sponsored by the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN. Hooks Institute, Co-Sponsor. This event is free and open to the public.
March 16
Interview: Who Will Bell the Cat? | Comcast Public Access
Channel Channel 17, Memphis, TN
Daphene R. McFerren, Hooks Director, interviews with Comcast regarding the Premiere of the Hooks Institute's Documentary, Duty of the Hour, and the Hattiloo Theatre production, Who Will Bell The Cat?
February 23
The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery
Lecture by Eric Foner, DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University
University of Memphis, University Center Theatre, 6:00pm reception, 6:30pm lecture
Sponsored by the Marcus W. Orr Center for the Humanities at the University of Memphis.
Hooks Institute, Co-Sponsor. This event is free and open to the public.
February 17-18
Broadcast Premiere of The Memphis 13, a local film on the integration of Memphis City Schools
Funded by a grant from the Hooks Institute, the documentary focuses on the experiences of the 13 African American families who faced integration into four formerly all-white elementary schools.
The Memphis 13 airs on WKNO/Channel 10 on February 17 at 7:30pm; February 18 at 2:30pm; and February 19 at 12:00pm; and on WKNO2 on February 18 at 9:30 pm
February 9
An Evening with Rodney Slater, Esq.
Rodney Slater, Esq., former Secretary of Transportation under President Bill Clinton, speaks on combining professional career goals with commitment to public service.
University of Memphis, Michael D. Rose Theatre Entertainment Lobby | 5:00pm reception, 5:30 pm lecture. This event is free and open to the public.
January 31
Civil Rights Activists Maxine Smith and Russell Sugarmon host a meeting with the Hooks Institute and the non-profit community to introduce the Premiere of the documentary, Duty of the Hour
University of Memphis, Michael D. Rose Theatre, 5:00pm.
This is an invitation-only event.
January 18
Hooks Institute meets with the faith-based community to introduce the Premiere of the documentary, Duty of the Hour
Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church, Memphis, TN, 12:30pm.
This is an invitation-only event.