Creative Writing

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The Undergraduate Creative Writing Program offers the opportunity for students to take courses in three areas: poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction. The program includes literature courses, forms courses that examine the history of a genre from a writer's perspective, and creative writing workshops in fiction, poetry or creative nonfiction. The degree offered is a BA in English with a Concentration in Creative Writing.

In addition to the English Major requirements and electives, Creative Writing students must choose 12 hours from the following list:
  • ENGL 3606 Poetry Writing
  • ENGL 3607 Fiction Writing
  • ENGL 3608 Creative Nonfiction Writing
  • ENGL 4600 Creative Nonfiction Workshop (3608 prerequisite)
  • ENGL 4601 Poetry Workshop (3606 prerequisite)
  • ENGL 4603 Fiction Workshop (3607 prerequisite)

Recent Course Offerings

ENGL 4603
ENGL 4604
ENGL 4601

Program Notes:
  • 12 Concentration hours must be composed of the following:
    • 1) 6 hours composed of ENGL 3606 and either 3607 or 3608; and
    • 2) 6 hours of 4000-level workshop courses: 4600, 4601, or 4603.
  • Students planning to apply for graduate school in Creative Writing should consult closely with a faculty advisor in Creative Writing and should plan on taking two or more of their 4000-level courses (workshops and forms courses) in a single genre (poetry or fiction).
  • In other words, students MUST take 3606 as 3 hours toward the CW concentration total; 3 hrs of either 3607 or 3608; 6 hours of 4000-level workshop courses: 4600, 4601, or 4603.
  • 4900, 4996, and 4610 may only be used as English Upper Division electives and cannot be used toward the concentration hours.
  • Students must complete English 3606, 3607 and/or 3608 before enrolling in a 4000-level workshop (4600, 4601, 4603).
  • Creative Writing workshops (4600, 4601, 4603) may each be taken twice within the concentration.
  • See the Undergraduate Catalog - English (B.A.)  for a complete list of all degree requirements.

Interim Creative Writing Coordinator:
Dr. Eric Schlich 


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