Creative Writing
The Undergraduate Creative Writing Program offers the opportunity for students to take courses in three areas: poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction. The program includes literature courses, forms courses that examine the history of a genre from a writer's perspective, and creative writing workshops in fiction, poetry or creative nonfiction. The degree offered is a BA in English with a Concentration in Creative Writing.
In addition to the English Major requirements and electives, Creative Writing students
must choose 12 hours from the following list:
ENGL 3606 Poetry Writing
ENGL 3607 Fiction Writing
ENGL 3608 Creative Nonfiction Writing
ENGL 4600 Creative Nonfiction Workshop (3608 prerequisite)
ENGL 4601 Poetry Workshop (3606 prerequisite)
ENGL 4603 Fiction Workshop (3607 prerequisite)
Recent Course Offerings
Program Notes:
12 Concentration hours must be composed of the following:
- 1) 6 hours composed of ENGL 3606 and either 3607 or 3608; and
- 2) 6 hours of 4000-level workshop courses: 4600, 4601, or 4603.
Students planning to apply for graduate school in Creative Writing should consult closely with a faculty advisor in Creative Writing and should plan on taking two or more of their 4000-level courses (workshops and forms courses) in a single genre (poetry or fiction).
In other words, students MUST take 3606 as 3 hours toward the CW concentration total; 3 hrs of either 3607 or 3608; 6 hours of 4000-level workshop courses: 4600, 4601, or 4603.
4900, 4996, and 4610 may only be used as English Upper Division electives and cannot be used toward the concentration hours.
Students must complete English 3606, 3607 and/or 3608 before enrolling in a 4000-level workshop (4600, 4601, 4603).
Creative Writing workshops (4600, 4601, 4603) may each be taken twice within the concentration.
See the Undergraduate Catalog - English (B.A.) for a complete list of all degree requirements.
Interim Creative Writing Coordinator: