AY 2022-23 Motions

  1. Motion to Approve Revisions for 2023 Faculty Handbook
  2. Motion to Suspend Senate Standing Rule Article III, Section 8
  3. Motion to Recommend Salary Raise Distribution Guiding Principles for FY 2023
  4. Appointment of a member to the Sick Leave Bank Committee
  5. Appointment of members to the Undergraduate Grade Appeal Committee
  6. Recommendation for Observer Role in Canvas
  7. Motion to Recommend Salary Raise Distribution for FY 2024
  8. Motion for Faculty Senate Representatives for University Committees – President's Appeal Committee
  9. Motion to Recommend Approval of Option 1 of President’s Merit Based Compensation Adjustment Proposal (FY23)
  10. Motion to Recommend Approval of Option 2 of President’s Merit Based Compensation Adjustment Proposal (FY23)
  11. Motion to Approve Revisions to the 2022-23 Faculty Handbook Section 1.4 and Appendix H
  12. Motion to Approve Survey Questions for Evaluation of Deans and Directors
  13. Motion to Elect New Member to the Committee on Committees
  14. Motion to Recommend Approval of New List of Peer and Aspiration Institutions