Student History Society

The SHS is a registered student organization dedicated to bringing together students, faculty, and community members to discuss historical topics, engage in conversations about current events and their historical antecedents, and create a community among history majors, students interested in history, and history department faculty.

HURC presenters   SHS laser tag photo   Mikayla award   SHS meeting

What We Do

Caffeine & Cake 

For our Caffeine & Cake series the SHS invites a faculty member to sit down with history students to drink coffee, eat cake, and converse together. It's a fun, casual event hosted once a semester in the HERC to promote fellowship between history majors, history faculty, and any students on campus that express interest in our program.

HURC in the HERC

The History Undergraduate Research Colloquium (HURC) in the HERC is an undergraduate research showcase featuring four of our junior/senior majors. Each student gives a 15-minute presentation about their research to an audience of students, faculty, and any invited guests. 

History Department Community Garden

The Student History Society, together with Phi Alpha Theta, are the gardeners for two beds in the University's TigUrs Community Garden. One garden is dedicated to pizza ingredients in honor of the department's Lunch & Learn Pizza Lectures series. The other garden rotates annually. Students vote on the historical theme for the year and help write the markers explaining the significance of the plants in the garden.

Membership Meetings

Membership meetings (days, times, and formats) are still TBD for the 2022-23 academic year. We will update this website and send out announcements shortly.

Service Opportunities

The Student History Society allows students to earn service leadership hours in a variety of ways. We've listed some below.

  • West Tennessee History Day
  • G.A.A.A.H. Conference (Graduate Association for African American History)
  • Tigers Fight Hunger
  • Gardening in the History Community Garden
  • Representing the History Department at University events, such as Women's History Month, Black History Month, Banned Books Week, etc.

Everything and everyone has a history! If you have a suggestion, or if there is a historical aspect to celebration or commemoration that you're involved in, please contact SHS and we will consider co-hosting, supporting, or creating materials in support of your event. 

Student History Society Leadership 2022-23

Elections to be held in Fall 2022

 photo of AL Savage in auditorium   Faculty Advisor
Amanda Lee Savage

Interested in joining SHS?

You can join the Student History Society by logging into TigerZone! 

If you want to stay up-to-date about SHS activities you can follow us on the HERC Facebook page.
Follow the antics of current history majors and faculty on the SHS Instagram page.