Course Requirements for Graduate Students Affiliated with the Child and Family Studies Area

Clinical Psychology Graduate Students

In addition to the core program requirements, Clinical Psychology graduate students in the Child and Family Studies area must complete the following courses:

  • PSYC 7416/8416 Child Psychopathology
  • PSYC 7434/8434 Clinical Psychotherapies course focused on youth or families

One elective focused on youth and families from the list below:

  • PSYC 7207/8207 Developmental Psychology
  • PSYC 7219/8219 Social and Personality Development
  • PSYC 7434/8434 Different Clinical Psychotherapies course (focused on youth and/or families)
  • PSYC 7804/8804 Psych Ed Assessment II
  • PSYC 7805/8805 Psych Consultation
  • PSYC 7806/8806 School Psychology Interventions
  • PSYC 7501-7515/8501-8515 Graduate Seminar (focused on youth and/or families)

Further, a major portion of students' clinical practicum work must involve children, adolescents, families, or a combination of these populations, and students' master's theses and doctoral dissertations must pertain to these populations.

Experimental Psychology Graduate Students

Experimental Psychology graduate students in the Child and Family Research Area must complete the following courses:

  • PSYC 7207/8207 Developmental Psychology
  • PSYC 7219/8219 Social and Personality Development

School Psychology Graduate Students

School Psychology students complete all of their required coursework in the Child and Family Studies area through their program curriculum, which includes the following courses:

  • PSYC 7207/8207 Developmental Psychology
  • PSYC 7416/8416 Child Psychopathology

Further, students' clinical practicum work must involve children, adolescents, families, or a combination of these populations, and students' master's theses and doctoral dissertations must pertain to these populations