Current MSGP StudentsMSGP Students

It is the students’ responsibility to stay up to date on all forms and deadlines related to their thesis/SRP. Due dates for the final thesis submission to the graduate school are typically mid-semester. This means that the thesis must be defended with final draft approval by the major professor before the middle of the semester they intend to graduate.

Thesis Forms and Deadlines*

*Pay special attention to the deadlines to submit your intent to graduate forms and your final thesis draft.

Thesis Proposal Paperwork

Thesis Defense Paperwork

**Email this link to all thesis committee members after the proposal defense AND the final thesis defense.

Graduation Forms


Student Successes

We want to recognize the achievements of our MSGP students as they progress through our program. There are too many to list, but here are some recent highlights! 

MSGP Slide
  • Rachel Stobbe was the ’23 – ’24 MSGP representative on the psychology graduate student association. We will miss her as she joins the School Psychology PhD program at UMASS: Boston!

We have two first-year MSGP students we want to recognize for their outstanding achievements this year!

Chance Dow
  • Chance Dow was awarded a $5000 research fellowship from ESPN to explore different experiences with sports betting and the effect of responsible gambling messages for sports media among college students.
  • Chance is a busy member of the Gambling Clinic working under Dr. Rory Pfund. 
Randy Smith
  • Randy Smith was awarded a Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference Student Travel Award! Randy also WON the Society of Pediatric Psychology Three-Minute Thesis Competition in April!
  • His Presentation title was: The Relations between Cost Delay Discounting, Delay Reward Discounting, and Diabetes-Specific Microaggressions among Children and Adolescents Diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. Randy is working under Dr. Kris Berlin in the Child Health and Illness lab.  

Congratulations on your huge successes Chance and Randy!

Other student achievements we want to highlight:

Rachel Stobbe
  • Corey Jackson and Rachel Stobbe each received the Craig Brown MSGP Program Director Award for their outstanding scholarly achievements and service to the department! Congratulations Corey and Rachel!
  • Noelle Patterson serves as our MSGP representative in the PGSA.
  • We are proud to recognize many of our 2023 and 2024 graduates who were accepted into doctoral programs in both clinical and school psychology! 
  • Our current class of MSGP students maintains a high level of excellence with an average GPA of 3.74.