PGSA Complaints and Concerns

Procedures for reporting complaints or concerns

Sometimes during a student's time in graduate school, a situation can arise that requires mediation to reduce/resolve conflict. The Psychology Department suggests you use the following procedures:

First, you should go to the person with whom you have a complaint and try to come to a resolution. You should feel free to consult informally with any other faculty member about the issue. At any time, you may consult with other students, including PGSA officers, to discuss the issue confidentially. You may elect to have a PGSA officer meet with a department administrator to discuss ways to resolve the concern. With the exception of harassment and discrimination complaints, the nature of these conversations can be kept confidential. If you are unsatisfied or remain concerned, you may directly go to any Graduate Program Director to address the issue; you may go to the Graduate Coordinator; or you may go to the Department Chair or Associate Chair. You may also contact the PGSA officers by email (PGSA.memphis@gmail.com), or you can put a written complaint into the PGSA mailbox. 

For more details about filing a formal grievance complain please read Appendix A in the Graduate Student handbook.

The goal of this process is to allow students to feel free to express their concerns at any time without fearing any repercussions. The PGSA would like to know if you have any concerns, because if we don't know about them, then we can't do anything to change them. All members of the PGSA have agreed to serve in this capacity and will assure confidentiality.