2022 Faculty Publications

The publications below are collected through the University of Memphis Faculty CV system. If you have additional publications you would like added to this page, please contact dmturner@memphis.edu.


Keri V Brondo, Anthropology, Books Published

Bolles, Lynn A., Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, Bernard Perley, and Keri Vacanti Brondo. (eds.). 2022.

Anthropological Theory for the Twenty-First Century: Rethinking the Canon. University of Toronto Press.

Lindsey Feldman, Anthropology, Non-Refereed Journal Publications

Feldman, Lindsey Raisa. Framing visual ethnography: the use and possibilities of picture frames in a psychosocial interview.

In development for Anthropology News (American Anthropological Association), submission by April 2022.

Lindsey Feldman, Anthropology, Refereed Journal Publications

Feldman, Lindsey Raisa. 2022.

The Expression of Alternative Masculinities on the Prison Fireline. In development for the journal Gender and Society, submission by March 2022.

Amanda Katherine Lambert-Pennington, Anthropology, Refereed Journal Publications,

Forthcoming Lambert-Pennington, K and Saija, L.

Staying with Complexity: Bidirectional Learning, Engagement, and Transdisciplinary Collaborations on Two Continents, Anthropologia Pubblica special issue on L’antropologia nella Terza Missione. Accademia, public engagement e scienze sociali", (1) 2022.

Biological Sciences

Shawn Brown, Biological Sciences, Refereed Journal Publications

Brown SP, Shahrtash M, Tucker AE, Knoepp J, Stokes CE, Baird R (2022).

Seasonal disconnects between saprobic and mycorrhizal sporocarp communities in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Fungal Ecology 55: 101125. DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2021.101125

Shawn Brown, Biological Sciences, Refereed Journal Publications

Weaver MA, Mirza N, Mandel JR, Boyette CD Brown SP (2022).

Whole genome sequence and draft assembly of the biocontrol fungal pathogen Albifimbria verrucaria CABI-IMI 368023. Microbiology Resource Announcements 11: e00909-21. DOI: 10.1128/MRA.00909-21

Shawn Brown, Biological Sciences, Refereed Journal Publications

Fox S, Sikes BA, Brown SP, Cripps CL, Glassman SI, Hughes K, Semenova-Nelsen T, Jumpponen A (2022).

Fire as a driver of fungal diversity - a synthesis if current knowledge. Mycologia 114:215-241. DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2021.2024422.

Shawn Brown, Biological Sciences, Refereed Journal Publications

Shor EK, Brown SP, Freeman DA (2022).

Bacteria and bellicosity: Photoperiodic shifts in gut microbiota drive seasonal aggressive behavior in Siberian hamsters. Journal of Biological Rhythms 37: 296-309. DOI: 10.1177/07487304221092105

Shawn Brown, Biological Sciences, Refereed Journal Publications

Tucker AE, Brown SP (2022).

Sampling a gradient of red snow algae bloom density reveals novel connections between microbial communities and environmental features. Scientific Reports 12:10536. DOI: 10.1038/s4598-022-12914-7

Shawn Brown, Biological Sciences, Refereed Journal Publications

James JJ, Bach EM, Baker K, Barber NA, Buck R, Shahrtash M, Brown SP (2022).

Herbicide control of the invasive Amr honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) does not alter soil microbial communities or activity. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 3:e12157. DOI: 10.1002/2688-8319.12157


Timothy Brewster, Chemistry, Refereed Journal Publications 

Charles III, R.M.; Brewster, T.P.*

"Chemical Transformations in Bimetallic Complexes Facilitated by the Second Coordination Sphere" Top. Organomet. Chem. 2022. Invited Book Chapter in Review.

Chhabil Dass, Chemistry, Refereed Journal Publications

93. Kosanam, H. and Dass, C

Trifluoroethanol-induced Conformational Changes in á- and â-Neoendorphins Monitored using Hydrogen/deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry and Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 301, 2022-210 (2011).

Computer Science

Amy Cook, Computer Science, Refereed Conference Publications

Jin Yang, Ruoxu Wang, Amy Cook, Rhema Fuller.

Uses and gratifications of playing video games/esports during the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparison between competitive players and recreational players. (in press). 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA'22). May 26-30, 2022.

Amy Cook, Computer Science, Refereed Conference Publications

Alina Zaman, Vinhthuy Phan, Amy Cook

Enabling In-Class Peer Feedback on Introductory Computer Science Coding Exercises. SIGCSE 2022.

Scott Fleming, Computer Science, Refereed Conference Publications

Kathryn Bridson, Jeffrey Atkinson, and Scott D. Fleming.

"Delivering Round-the-Clock Help to Software Engineering Students Using Discord: An Experience Report." In Proc. ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE '22), Providence, Rhode Island, Mar. 2022. DOI: 10.1145/3478431.3499385. Acceptance Rate: 29%.

Maximiliano H. Garzon, Computer Science, Books Published

Dimensionality Reduction in Data Science. M. Garzon, Ching-Chi Yang, Deepak Venugopal, Nirman Kumar, Kalidas Jana, Lih-Yuan Deng (2022). Springer-Verlag.

ISBN 978-3-031-05370-2

Maximiliano H. Garzon, Computer Science, Refereed Journal Publications

Max H. Garzon, Petr Sosik, Vladimír Smolka, Jaroslav Bradík, Jan Drastík Omar Skalli (2022).

A Robust Morphogenetic Model of Bacterial Cells. Membranes (h5-index: 36, revision under review.)

Xiaolei Huang, Computer Science, Refereed Journal Publications

Broniatowski, David A., Daniel Kerchner, Fouzia Farooq, Huang Xiaolei, Amelia M. Jamison, Mark Dredze, Sandra Crouse Quinn, and John W. Ayers.

"Twitter and Facebook posts about COVID-19 are less likely to spread misinformation compared to other health topics." PloS one 17, no. 1 (2022): e0261768.

Weizi Li, Computer Science, Refereed Conference Publications

Lei Lin, Weizi Li, and Lei Zhu

“Data-driven Graph Filter based Graph Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Network-Level Multi-Step Traffic Prediction,” in Proc. Transportation Research Board 101th Annual Meeting (TRB), 2022.

Kriangsiri Malasri, Computer Science, Refereed Conference Publications

E. Hicks, A. Cook, K. Malasri, A. Zaman, and V. Phan

"Keep It Relevant! Using In-Class Exercises to Predict Weekly Performance in CS1," SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2022, to appear.

Kriangsiri Malasri, Computer Science, Refereed Conference Publications

A. Cook, A. Zaman, E. Hicks, K. Malasri, and V. Phan

"Try That Again! How a Second Attempt on In-Class Coding Problems Benefits Students in CS1," SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2022, to appear.

Vinhthuy Phan, Computer Science, Refereed Conference Publications

Amy Cook, Alina Zaman, Eric Hicks, Kriangsiri Malasri, and Vinhthuy Phan. 2022.

"Try That Again! How a Second Attempt on In-Class Coding Problems Benefits Students in CS1", In Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2022)

Vinhthuy Phan, Computer Science, Refereed Conference Publications

Eric Hicks, Amy Cook, Kriangsiri Malasri, Alina Zaman, and Vinhthuy Phan. 2022.

"Keep It Relevant! Using In-class Exercises to Predict Weekly Performance", In Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2022)

Vinhthuy Phan, Computer Science, Non-Refereed Journal Publications

Alina Ziman, Kriangsiri Malasri, Amy Cook, Vinhthuy Phan (poster presentation)

Enabling In-Class Peer Feedback on Introductory Computer Science Coding Exercises, SIGCSE 2022

Sajjan G. Shiva, Computer Science, Refereed Journal Publications

Saikat Das, Sajal Saha, Annita Tahsin Priyoti, Etee Kawna Roy, Frederick T. Sheldon, Anwar Haque, and Sajjan Shiva

Network Intrusion Detection and Comparative Analysis using Ensemble Machine Learning and Feature Selection, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Early access Online ISSN: 1932-4537 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TNSM.2021.3138457, December 2021; print version February 2022.

Sajjan G. Shiva, Computer Science, Refereed Journal Publications

Bhargavi Krishnamurthy, Sajjan G. Shiva

“Scalable Hindsight Experience Replay based Q-learning Framework with Explainability for Big Data Applications in Fog Computing “,IEEE 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), 26-Jan-2022, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

Sajjan G. Shiva, Computer Science, Refereed Journal Publications

Bhargavi Krishnamurthy, Sajjan G. Shiva

“Energy Efficient Double Critic-Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Framework for Fog Computing”, IEEE World AI IOT Congress (AIIoT), 6-9 June 2022, Seattle, WA, USA.

Sajjan G. Shiva, Computer Science, Refereed Journal Publications

Bhargavi Krishnamurthy, Sajjan G. Shiva

“Man-in-the-Middle attack Explainer for Fog computing using Soft Actor Critic Q-Learning Approach”, IEEE World AI IOT Congress (AIIoT), 6-9 June 2022, Seattle, WA, USA.

Sajjan G. Shiva, Computer Science, Refereed Journal Publications

Bhargavi Krishnamurthy, Sajjan G. Shiva

“MVE-based Reinforcement Learning Framework with Explainability for improving Quality of Experience of Application Placement, IEEE World AI IOT Congress (AIIoT), 6-9 June 2022, Seattle, WA, USA.

Deepak Venugopal, Computer Science, Books Published

Max Garzon, Ching-Chi Yang, Deepak Venugopal, Nirman Kumar, Kalidas Jana and Lih-Yuan Deng.

Dimensionality Reduction in Data Science. Springer, 2022 (forthcoming)

Deepak Venugopal, Computer Science, Refereed Conference Publications

William Britton, Somdeb Sarkhel and Deepak Venugopal (2022).

Question Modifiers in Visual Question Answering. Learning Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) [h5-index: 53] (to appear).

Thomas Watson, Computer Science, Refereed Journal Publications

Thomas Watson

Amplification with One NP Oracle Query. Springer Computational Complexity, 31(1):3, 2022.

Thomas Watson, Computer Science, Refereed Conference Publications

Md Lutfar Rahman and Thomas Watson.

Erdos–Selfridge Theorem for Nonmonotone CNFs. In Proceedings of the 18th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT), pages 31:1–31:11. Schloss Dagstuhl Publishing, 2022. [Acceptance rate: 33.3%]

Myounggyu Won, Computer Science, Refereed Conference Publications

[C28] Pradeep Sambu and Myounggyu Won (2022).

"An Experimental Study on Direction Finding of Bluetooth 5.1: Indoor vs Outdoor," in Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC).


Rebecca Adams, English, Books Published

Adams, R. & Oliver, R. (under contract, ant. 2022) Learning a Language with Peers: Elevating Classroom Voices. New York: Routledge.

Rebecca Adams, English, Refereed Journal Publications

Adams, R. (2022).

Technology mediated writing. In N. Zieglar & M. Gonzalez-Lloret (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Technology, pp. 187-200. New York: Routledge.

Cristina Cervone, English, Books Published

What Kind of a Thing Is a Middle English Lyric?, edited (with Nicholas Watson) (University of Pennsylvania, 2022)

Cristina Cervone, English, Books Reviewed

Mary Raschko, The Politics of Middle English Parables: Fiction, Theology, and Social Practice (Manchester, 2018), Speculum 97.2 (2022): 557–5

Cristina Cervone, English, Books Reviewed

Arvind Thomas, “Piers Plowman” and the Reinvention of Church Law in the Late Middle Ages (Toronto, 2019), Irish Theological Quarterly 87.1 (2022): 69–71

Cristina Cervone, English, Refereed Journal Publications

“Wondering Through Middle English Lyric,” in What Kind of a Thing is a Middle English Lyric?, ed. by Cristina Maria Cervone and Nicholas Watson (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022), 61–102

Cristina Cervone, English, Refereed Journal Publications

“Introduction: Why Stonde We? Why Go We Not?,” with Nicholas Watson, in What Kind of a Thing is a Middle English Lyric?, ed. by Cristina, Maria Cervone and Nicholas Watson

(University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022), 1–29

Shelby Crosby, English, Books Published

Co-editor, College Language Association Journal, Special Issue: Afrofuturism, March 2022

Mark Mayer, English, Non-Refereed Journal Publications

“Inside” – The Arkansas International, forthcoming 2022, short story

Carey James Mickalites, English, Books Published

Contemporary Fiction, Celebrity Culture, and the Market for Modernism: Fictions of Celebrity (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022).

Ashley Roach, English, Books Reviewed

Roach-Freiman, A.

(May 2022, Accepted). Review of the book My Autobiography of Carson McCullers by Jenn Shapland. College & Research Libraries.

Donald Rodrigues, English, Books Published

Shakespeare’s Queer Analytics: Distant Reading and Collaborative Intimacy in Love’s Martyr. Arden Shakespeare Studies in Language and Digital Methodologies series, Bloomsbury Publishing. 2022.

Kathy Lou Schultz, English, Refereed Journal Publications

“Love as Revolutionary Practice in Askia Touré’s Songhai!” Paideuma: Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics. Accepted & Forthcoming 2022.

Earth Sciences

Randel Thomas Cox, Earth Sciences, Refereed Journal Publications

Lumsden, D.N., and Cox, R.T., 2022

An Ongoing 13.5 Yr Hiatus in M = 4 New Madrid/Wabash Valley Earthquakes: Could People Be the Cause of the “Pause?”: Seismological Research Letters, 93, 1-4.

Daniel Larsen, Earth Sciences, Refereed Journal Publications

Sahagun-Covarrubias, S., Waldron, B., Larsen, D., and Schoefernacker, S., 2022

Characterization of Hydraulic Properties of the Memphis Aquifer by Conducting Pumping Tests in Active Well Fields in Shelby County. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, accepted January 2022.

Deborah Leslie, Earth Sciences, Refereed Journal Publications

Leslie, D.L., Reba, M.L., Godwin, I.A., and M.A. Yaeger. (2022)

Groundwater trends during 1985 to 2019 in a critical groundwater area of northeastern Arkansas. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation,77(1): 67-77. https://doi.org/10.2489/jswc.2022.00170.

Deborah Leslie, Earth Sciences, Refereed Journal Publications

Godwin, I., Reba, M.L., Leslie, D.L., Adams, R.F., and Rigby, J.R. (2022)

Feasibility of farm-scale infiltration galleries for managed aquifer recharge in an agricultural alluvial aquifer of northeast Arkansas. Agricultural Water Management, 264: 107531.


Michele Coffey, History, Non-Refereed Journal Publications

“James Chaney,” Mississippi Encyclopedia, Center for the Study of Southern Culture, May 2022.

Michele Coffey, History, Non-Refereed Journal Publications

“Michael Schwerner,” Mississippi Encyclopedia, Center for the Study of Southern Culture, May 2022.

Michele Coffey, History, Non-Refereed Journal Publications

“Andrew Goodman,” Mississippi Encyclopedia, Center for the Study of Southern Culture, May 2022.

Christine Eisel, History, Books Published

Editor, Schlager Anthology of Early America. Dallas, TX: Schlager Group, Inc (January 2022)

Aram G Goudsouzian, History, Books Published

Writer for Man on a Mission: James Meredith and the Battle of Ole Miss, graphic novel, illustrated by Bill Murray (Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2022)

Aram G Goudsouzian, History, Refereed Journal Publications

“House of Cards: Leisure, Freedom, Authority, Revolution, and the Diary of Landon Carter,” Journal of Sport History, forthcoming 2022

Chrystal Goudsouzian, History, Refereed Journal Publications

“Advising Online Students” in Teaching and Learning History Online: A Guide for College Instructors (Routledge, forthcoming 2022) with Amanda Lee Savage

Benjamin Graham, History, Books Published

Benjamin Graham, Dark Age Olives: Culture and Environment in Early Medieval Italy (University of California Press, 2022)

Benjamin Graham, History, Refereed Journal Publications

Benjamin Graham, “Trees in the Global Medieval,” in A Cultural History of the Environment, vol. 5 The Age of Emperors, ed. E. Arnold (London: Bloomsbury, 2022).

Benjamin Graham, History, Refereed Journal Publications

Benjamin Graham, "Timber," in the Oxford Classical Dictionary (Oxford, 2022)

Brian Kwoba, History, Books Reviewed

B. Kwoba, Hubert Harrison: The Voice of Harlem Radicalism 1883-1918 (Vol. 1) and Hubert Harrison: The Struggle for Equality, 1918-1927 (Vol. 2), New Politics, Winter 2022.

Brian Kwoba, History, Refereed Journal Publications

B. Kwoba, ‘Hubert Henry Harrison: Black Radicalism and the Colored International’ in The Red and the Black Vol. 2: Revolutionary Lives of the Red and Black Atlantic, Manchester University Press, April 2022.

Scott Preston Marler, History, Books Reviewed

The World that Fear Made: Slave Revolts and Conspiracy Theories in Early America, by Jason T. Sharples. Journal of American History, forthcoming, 2022

Scott Preston Marler, History, Books Reviewed 

Far-Right Vanguard: The Radical Roots of Modern Conservatism, by John S. Huntington. Journal of American History, forthcoming, 2022

Scott Preston Marler, History, Books Reviewed 

Cruising for Conspirators: How a New Orleans DA Prosecuted the Kennedy Assassination as a Sex Crime. Southern Studies, forthcoming, 2022

Catherine L Phipps, History, Books Published

Editor, Meiji Japan in Global History, Routledge, 2022.

Catherine L Phipps, History, Refereed Journal Publications

"The Treaty Port System in Japan." Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History, invited contributor, 2022.

Sarah Potter, History, Books Reviewed

Review of Brian Donovan, American Gold Digger: Marriage, Money, and the Law from the Ziegfeld Follies to Anna Nicole Smith in Journal of American History, March 2022

Sarah Potter, History, Books Reviewed

Review of Elizabeth H. Flowers and Karen K. Seat, A Marginal Majority: Women, Gender, and a Reimagining of Southern Baptists, Journal of Southern History (Feb. 2022): 202-203

Daniel L. Unowsky, History, Books Published

Austrian History Yearbook, 2022. Editor

Judaic Studies

Shaul Bar, Judaic Studies, Books Published

Samuel, the Man of God, Wipf & Stock (2022)


Daniel Smith, Philosophy, Books Reviewed

(2022) Dilek Huseyinzadegan, Kant's Nonideal Theory of Politics, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2019, in Contemporary Political Theory, 21, pp.19-22

Daniel Smith, Philosophy, Refereed Journal Publications

(2022) "Ethics without the Will: Vernant, Heidegger, and Agamben on the Relation between Praxis and Phronesis", Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal 105 (1), pp.60-83


Mohamed Laradji, Physics, Refereed Journal Publications

A. Sharma, E. Asadi, and M. Laradji

A Phase Field Crystal Model for Materials Crystallization in the Presence of Nanoscale Pores, Modeling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 30, 014005 (14 pp) (2022)

Mohamed Laradji, Physics, Refereed Journal Publications

H. Wen, Y. Zhu, C. Peng, P.B. Sunil Kumar, and M. Laradji

Collective motion of cells modeled as ring polymers, Soft Matter (in press, 2022)

Shawn Pollard, Physics, Non-Refereed Journal Publications

S. D. Pollard, "Building skyrmions through frustration," Nature Materials (News & Views) 21, 265 (2022)

Shawn Pollard, Physics, Refereed Journal Publications

T. L. Staggers, L. Jacob, S. D. Pollard

"Domain wall velocity asymmetries driven by saturation magnetization gradients without a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 558, 16950 (2022)

Political Science

Sharon Adele Stanley, Political Science, Non-Refereed Journal Publications

Stanley, Sharon. "Racial Integration, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Philosophical Humility," Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review (forthcoming, 2022). (invited submission for special forum on Dale Matthew's "Racial integration and the problem of relational devaluation")


Kathryn Howell, Psychology, Non-Refereed Journal Publications

American Psychological Association Task Force on Climate Change. (2022). Addressing the climate crisis: An action plan for psychologists: Report of the APA Task Force on Climate Change. Available at: https://www.apa.org/science/about/publications/ climate-crisis-action-plan.pdf.

Kathryn Howell, Psychology, Refereed Journal Publications

Mandell, J.E., Howell, K.H., Schaefer, L.M., Hardin, R.N., & Thurston, I.B. (2022).

Social support for mothers living with HIV: A pilot investigation of the beneficial roles of positive parenting and community cohesion. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 21(1), 90-105.

Kathryn Howell, Psychology, Refereed Journal Publications

Napier, T.R., Howell, K.H., Schaefer, L.M., & Schwartz, L.E. (2022).

Differentiating the effects of anxious and avoidant attachment on depression and resilience following trauma. Journal of American College Health, 70(2), 625-633.

Kathryn Howell, Psychology, Refereed Journal Publications

Mandell, J.E., Howell, K.H., & Thurston, I.B. (2022).

Developmental assets, defiance, and caregiver communication among Black adolescents with high body weights. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31(4), 910-922.

Kathryn Howell, Psychology, Refereed Journal Publications

Stobbe, R., Napier, T., Bartelli, D., & Howell, K.H. (2022).

Internalizing symptoms in children exposed to adversity: Examining associations with resilience, social support, and community cohesion. American Journal of Undergraduate Research, 18(4), 15-25.

Kathryn Howell, Psychology, Refereed Journal Publications

Shoemaker, H.L., Howell, K.H., Jamison, L.E., Walker, H.E., & Wamser-Nanney, R.A. (2022).

Relational factors associated with posttraumatic stress among emerging adults of color exposed to community violence. Violence and Victims, 37(2), 277-293.

Kathryn Howell, Psychology, Refereed Journal Publications

Scrafford, K., Miller-Graff, L.E., Umunyana, G., Schwartz, L.E., & Howell, K.H. (2022).

“I Did it to Save My Children”: Parenting strengths and fears of women exposed to intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(9-10), 7775-7802.

Jia Wei Zhang, Psychology, Refereed Journal Publications

Zhang, J. W., Howell, R. T., Chen, S., Bilgin, B., Chai, W. J., Ramis, T., Goold, A. R.,* (2022)

‘I have high self-compassion’: A Face-Valid Single-Item Self-Compassion Scale for Resource-Limited Research Contexts. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. Advanced online publication. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/cpp.2714

Jia Wei Zhang, Psychology, Refereed Journal Publications

Zhang, J. W., Howell, R. T., Chen, S., Bilgin, B., Chai, W. J., Ramis, T., Goold, A. R.,* (2022).

‘I have high self-compassion’: A Face-Valid Single-Item Self-Compassion Scale for Resource-Limited Research Contexts. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. Advanced online publication. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/cpp.2714


Sunah Laybourn, Sociology, Non-Refereed Journal Publications

Laybourn, Sunah M. 2022.

“Forever Foreigners? Asian American Ethnic Groups.” Sociology in Action Race and Ethnicity Series, edited by K. Korgen and M. Atkinson. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publishing.

Sunah Laybourn, Sociology, Refereed Journal Publications

Laybourn, Sunah M. and Carla Goar. 2022.

“‘In My Heart, I Am Cambodian’: Symbolic Ethnicity among Parents who Adopt Transracially.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity.

Gretchen Peterson, Sociology, Books Reviewed

Peterson, Gretchen. 2022.

“Book Review: Ranking: The Unwritten Rules of the Social Game We All Play.” Contemporary Sociology, 51(2):115-116.

Gretchen Peterson, Sociology, Refereed Journal Publications

Peterson, Gretchen. 2022.

"When a Global Pandemic Makes Life More Accessible to Those with Invisible Disabilities." Sociation, 21(1):34-40. https://sociation.ncsociologyassoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/globalpandemic_proof.pdf

School of Social Work

Minhae Cho, School of Social Work, Refereed Journal Publications

Cho, M. & Kim, M. K. (2022).

Effect of digital divide on people with disabilities during the Covid-19 pandemic. . Disability and Health.

Minhae Cho, School of Social Work, Refereed Journal Publications

Cho, M., & Lightfoot, E. (2022).

Recurrence of substantiated maltreatment reports between low-income parents with disabilities and their propensity-score matched sample without disabilities. Child Maltreatment.

Minhae Cho, School of Social Work, Refereed Journal Publications

Waid, J., Cho, M., & Marsalais, S. (2022).

Mental health targets in maltreatment prevention programs: A systematic review of randomized trials. Children and Youth Services Review.

Minhae Cho, School of Social Work, Refereed Journal Publications

Waid, J., Cho, M. H., Zuel, T., & Snyder, E. (2022).

A pilot study of simulation-based learning in a graduate social work course. Research on Social Work Practice.

Jerry Watson, School of Social Work, Books Published

Watson, J. & Perry-Dereef, V. (2022).

Communities Partnering for Peace. Participant Manual.

Jerry Watson, School of Social Work, Refereed Journal Publications

Watson, J., & DeBerry, C. D. (2022).

Strategic Planning Using Engaged Scholarship: Building A Reentry Organization. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal. 9(2),48–59. https://doi.org/10.14738/assrj.92.11718

Jerry Watson, School of Social Work, Refereed Journal Publications

Watson, J. (2022).

Black boys and the American dream. Black Child Journal.