2022 College of Arts & Sciences Accolades
This site is dedicated to the exceptional faculty in the college and their research. It is a collection of college and university awards, publications, research, creative works, service, and other scholarly endeavors that bring recognition to the University of Memphis, supports the mission of the college, and has a profound impact on the surrounding community and the world.
Dr. Deborah Perron Tollefsen Named University of Memphis Vice Provost and Dean of
the Graduate School
Aug - Dr. Deborah Perron Tollefsen has been named University of Memphis vice provost and dean of the Graduate School, effective Sept. 1. Tollefsen joined the Department of Philosophy at the UofM in August 2002 and has previously served as the department's director of graduate studies (2005-08) and chair (2008-13). In 2015, she became associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences and remained in that position until August 2021. During her time as associate dean, she also served as co-lead on the University’s Process Management Group. Read the full media release >>>
Dr. Abby Parrill-Baker named Interim Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs
and Provost
Effective July 1, Dr. Abby Parrill-Baker, professor in the Department of Chemistry began her tenure as Interim Provost. Parrill-Baker has served in many roles at the university as Chair of Department of Chemistry, Associate Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, Interim Dean and Dean of the College. She replaces Dr. Thomas Nenon in this role. In his email announcement, Dr. David Rudd says, "She has done an excellent job as Dean of Arts & Sciences, and I have full confidence in her ability to serve our University as Chief Academic Officer." Learn more about Dr. Parrill-Baker here.
Dr. Gary Emmert Named Interim Dean
Dr. Gary Emmert has been named interim dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, effective July 1.
At this time, Emmert serves as associate dean of the College and a professor in the Department of Chemistry. He joined the department in 2002 and served as chair from Aug. 2015-Aug. 2019. Emmert's research, teaching and scholarship have been recognized with numerous honors, including The College of Arts & Sciences Early Career Research Award, the First Horizon Entrepreneurship and Innovation Fellow, the Dunavant University Professorship, the College of Arts & Sciences Distinguished Research Award and the W. Russell and Audrey E. Nesossi-Smith Teaching Excellence Award. Learn more about Dr. Emmert >>>
UofM Online Programs No. 1 in Tennessee for 3rd Straight Year by U.S. News & World Report
Jan - The University of Memphis is the highest-ranked institution in Tennessee for the third-straight year by U.S. News & World Report in its 2022 rankings of online programs. The UofM’s status in these rankings began its incredible climb five years ago, culminating in the top spot for three consecutive years. The UofM is ranked in the top 150 in nine categories nationally, including six in the top 30. Among them are CAS Departments of Psychology and Criminology and Criminal Justice. Learn more about rankings >>>
About the Accolades Website
This site is dedicated to the exceptional faculty in the college and their research. It is a collection of college and university awards, publications, research, creative works, service, and other scholarly endeavors that bring recognition to the University of Memphis, supports the mission of the college, and has a profound impact on the surrounding community and the world.
The countless hours spent on research, engaged scholarship, teaching, advising, presenting, and other academic endeavors help to make the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) at the University of Memphis (UofM) an outstanding R1 / academic institution.
The links above and to the left will direct you to pages that present CAS faculty award winners from the UofM and the CAS. Be sure and visit the CAS website for more information and requirements for specific awards.
Accolades is published once a year in the fall and past years are archived going back to 2016 with complete information (where available) on award winners.
Information on this site is collected from several sources including:
- UofM Division of Research and Innovation
- UofM Human Resources
- UofM Media Room (News Releases)
- UofM Provost Office
- CAS Interim Dean Gary Emmert and Administration
- CAS Chairs, Directors, Faculty and Staff
- CAS Department newsletters, social media and websites
For questions about Accolades or to submit information, contact:
- Debra Porter, Web Specialist II, Site Coordinator and Editor (dmturner@memphis.edu)
- Tajiana Booker Hancock, Editor
Tajiana is a Senior Undergraduate Student majoring in Political Science. She is also the College of Arts & Sciences Social Media Liaison.