Mid-Tenure Calendar

Mid-Tenure Dossier Instructions

January 6th

Deadline for departments to submit names of mid-tenure candidates to Dean's office.

January 20th

Candidates receive access to OneDrive.

(Information session will be scheduled around this date.)

February 28th

Candidate dossier materials due to individual departments via OneDrive. 

(Unless superseded by department guidelines.)  

March 31st

Department Heads and Committees deadline to submit recommendations to Dean via OneDrive.

(Internal deadlines for committee set by individual departments.)

April 30th

Required documents from the candidates’ dossiers and recommendations of Department Chairs, Department Committees, and Dean submitted to Faculty Administrative Services.
Dean will meet with candidates after reviewing dossiers.

Part I. The Dossier for Tenure and Promotion
Part II. Department Policies and Procedures
Part III. College-Level Policy and Procedures for Tenure and Promotion
Part IV. Approvals
Tenure and Promotion Calendar