EMBA Degree Assessment Highlights
The Executive MBA program at the University of Memphis is designed to help develop already accomplished business professionals into stronger business leaders. It is an intensive 17-month, Fall-to-Fall program exclusive to professionals with a minimum of five years of management experience and an established record of excellence in their field.
- Additional information about the Executive MBA Degree Program (EMBA) on the Fogelman Website.
Assessment Notes (EMBA):
- The EMBA program enrolls students in specifically-designed sections that include only EMBA students with sections offered throughout a given academic year. Thus, all Assurance-of-Learning data for the EMBA degree can be readily collected on a regular basis.
- While the EMBA program has a more limited student pool overall for collecting data than some other degrees in the Fogelman College, the availability of multiple sections on a regular basis allow for multiple samplings and sufficient overall numbers for thorough analysis and useful recommendations by the CTL committee.