MBA Degree: Actions Taken (2019-20)
The following detailed action items have been pursued with the MBA program based on committee recommendations from the 2019-20 assessment cycle:
Detailed Follow-up Actions to Implement Recommendations:
- Assessment of Goal #3 (Social and Ethical Awareness) should be conducted in MGMT-7160 (capstone course).
- Faculty teaching MGMT-7160 should collaborate to develop a shared assessment activity (or set of activities) that can be used to measure social and ethical awareness.
[Follow-up Actions - Both recommendations (1 & 2) share a common set of follow-up actions]
- Contact faculty to commonly teach MGMT-7160 (Robert Wiggins & Frances Fabian) and ask them to prepare a shared activity that can be used starting this Fall to effectively assess ethical and social awareness as a part of teaching MGMT-7160. (See advanced notice requirement under #3 below.)
- Faculty teaching MGMT-7160 should collaborate to develop a shared assessment activity
(or set of activities) that can be used to measure social and ethical awareness.
- For all learning outcomes, faculty should receive prior notification during the preceding semester to allow adequate time for planning and developing appropriate assessment activities to include in their course.
- Set up a standard calendar of notifications for all MBA assessments that ensure faculty
involved in collecting data are notified in advance of the semester in which they'll
be teaching sections involved in data collection according to the following:
- Fall semester data collection: Notified no later than June 30th.
- Spring semester data collection: Notified on/about Thanksgiving break. (late Nov)
- Follow-up notification/reminders 2-3 weeks before start of Fall/Spring semesters
- Set up a standard calendar of notifications for all MBA assessments that ensure faculty
involved in collecting data are notified in advance of the semester in which they'll
be teaching sections involved in data collection according to the following:
(page updated: 6/4/2020)