Graduate Course Descriptions: Summer 2025

Need more info?
For the most up-to-date list of classes offered, visit the dynamic schedule. For questions about classes, consult our graduate advising page or contact the listed instructor. To see what we'll be offering in future semesters, visit our two-year course rotation template. Interested in studying literature, taking a writing workshop, improving your writing skills, or brushing up your teaching skills, but don't want to pursue a degree? You should apply as a Non-Degree Seeking Student.

Full Term Summer 2025:

ENGL 7/8530 - Field Experience/Practicum in ESL | Dr. Rebecca Adams | Online
Experience in observing and teaching, peer teaching, and work with an English as a Second Language (ESL) specialist.

ENGL 7/8535 - ESL Grammar | Dr. Rebecca Adams | Online
Grammatical systems and strategies of Modern English; analysis of English structures that tend to cause difficulty for ESL/SESD speakers.

ENGL 7/8538 - Cultural Issues in ESL | Dr. Emily Thrush | Online
Impact of culture on non-English language background speakers as well as the particular aspects of U.S. culture and traditions needed for successful acculturation.

Graduate Course Descriptions: Fall 2025
**Coming Soon!**

Need more info?
For the most up-to-date list of classes offered, visit the dynamic schedule. For questions about classes, consult our graduate advising page or contact the listed instructor. To see what we'll be offering in future semesters, visit our two-year course rotation template. Interested in studying literature, taking a writing workshop, improving your writing skills, or brushing up your teaching skills, but don't want to pursue a degree? You should apply as a Non-Degree Seeking Student.

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*Click on each course title to read the professor's full course description; click on each thumbnail image to view the course flyer.

Applied Linguistics:

Creative Writing: 

Literary & Cultural Studies:

Writing, Rhetoric, & Technical Communication: