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Registered UofM Herff Student Organizations

Name Advisor/Department Description
Alpha Eta Mu Beta National Biomedical Engineering Honor Society Gary Bowlin/Biomedical Engineering

Alpha Eta Mu Beta is the National Biomedical Engineering Honor Society. Established in 1979, Alpha Eta Mu Beta was formed to recognize and encourage excellence in the field of Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering. Membership into Alpha Eta Mu Beta consists of those individuals in the field of Biomedical Engineering or Bioengineering who through their attainments in college or in practice have manifested a deep interest and marked ability in their chosen life work. The purpose of Alpha Eta Mu Beta is to bring these individuals into closer union so as to promote an understanding of the profession. Membership to Alpha Eta Mu Beta is a privilege and an honor. Members of Alpha Eta Mu Beta are recognized in an outstanding manner for having conferred honor on their Alma Mater by distinguished scholarship, exemplary character, honorable activities, and leadership. 

Through various development, training, networking and service opportunities, members of Alpha Eta Mu Beta are able to learn and grow. In this process, they develop critical lifelong skills that prepare them to excel for the post college environment or to transform individuals at their present jobs into leaders and innovators. 

The field of Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering are constantly evolving, therefore over the years AEMB has transformed itself into a dynamic organization to meet the needs of its growing membership and alumni, the institutions that they serve, and our society.

Criteria for Membership
Active membership shall be open to those full-time students duly registered. Only those juniors who have maintained an average scholastic grade in the upper one-fifth and those seniors who have maintained an average scholastic grade in the upper one-third of the Biomedical Engineering class of which they are a member shall be eligible for active membership. Additionally, only those graduate students who have maintained a grade point average of 3.75 out of 4.00 shall be eligible for active membership upon completion of at least six semester credit hours or twelve semester credit hours of Biomedical Engineering courses in the Master’s degree program or Ph.D. program, respectively.

National Affiliation
Alpha Eta Mu Beta National Biomedical Engineering Honor Society

Alliance for Women Engineers of Color (AWEC) Pegah Farshadmanesh/Interdepartmental

Women of color comprise less than 6 percent of all engineering professionals. AWEC seeks to establish an inclusive community where women engineers of color can discuss their unique experiences. Additionally, AWEC seeks to promote success and retention rates of women engineers of color in both academics and the workplace through professional and social events. AWEC was founded by Samantha Hall and Niresha Wanigasekara. Find us on Tiger Zone and join for updates. We welcome all allies.

Criteria for Membership
Member of the Herff College of Engineering

American Society of Civil Engineers Roger Meier/Civil Engineering

The ASCE Student Chapter affords an opportunity for civil engineering students to become acquainted, practice working together effectively, develop a spirit of congeniality, and engage engineering professionals in a friendly environment.

Criteria for Membership
Active members of this Chapter shall be undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the university who are interested in civil engineering and who are in good standing as evidenced by the payment of Chapter dues.
>> ASCE Website

National Affiliation
American Society of Civil Engineers

American Society of Mechanical Engineers Alexander Headley/Mechanical Engineering

ASME is an interactive student run organization that seeks to facilitate the development of mechanical engineering students in areas not covered in the classroom. We try to connect students with local industry leaders to establish professional relationships and encourage a community for individuals with similar interest and studies.

Criteria for Membership
Currently enrolled as a student at U of M, Herff College of Engineering.

National Affiliation
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (asme.org)

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Student Branch Jeffrey Marchetta/Interdepartmental

The ASHRAE Student Branch provides members with opportunities to gain insight into the heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration industry. Students are able to meet with other students with interest in the HVAC&R-industry and network with industry professionals.

Criteria for Membership
Members must be enrolled in an approved course of study in the arts and sciences covered by the Society's objectives or have an interest in an HVAC&R industry-related field. Members must also complete a Student Membership Application through ashrae.org.

National Affiliation
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) (ashrae.org)

Biomedical Engineering Society/Society for Biomaterials Joel Bumgardner/Biomedical Engineering

The purpose of the BMES/SFB organization is to provide an academic and social community of biomedical engineering undergraduate and graduate students.  The organization unites students with similar interest in the fields of biomedical engineering and biomaterials and offers networking opportunities including tours of biomedical companies and plants, as well as, invited guest speakers.  

Attention is also given to the development of student resume writing and interview skills to encourage students to apply for internships and jobs in the greater Memphis area. The graduate biomedical engineering degree program at the University of Memphis is a joint collaboration between our campus and the University of Tennessee campus in Memphis.  We aim to include graduate students at both locations.

Criteria for Membership
The membership in the Biomedical Engineering Society/Society for Biomaterials is open to all current undergraduate and graduate engineering students in good standing. Any engineering student can attend our meetings as an active member. BMES/SFB collects dues annually in the amount of $10 to fund our programming. In order to be considered an active member, prospective students MUST pay their $10 dues.

National Affiliation
BMES Biomedical Engineering Society
SFB Society for Biomaterials

Construction Management Association of America Student Chapter Joe Delaney/Civil Engineering


Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Student Chapter Shahram Pezeshk/Civil Engineering

The objective of EERI is to reduce earthquake risk by advancing the science and practice of earthquake engineering, by improving understanding of the impact of earthquakes on the physical, social, economic, political and cultural environment, and by advocating comprehensive and realistic measures for reducing the harmful effects of earthquakes.

Criteria for Membership
Following the chapter bylaws. Elections will be held every year and the members select: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and SDC coordinator.
>> EERI Website 

National Affiliation
EERI (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute)

Engineering Student Council  

With the encouragement of Dean Sweigard (retired), the Engineering Student Council (ESC) was established in the Herff College of Engineering. The intention of the ESC is to maintain a council that is representative of the student organizations present in the college of engineering. This includes honor societies and professional organizations, as well as productive clubs.  The council is composed of members from each organization and will be responsible for the organization of certain events including Engineering Day, Welcome Week, career fairs, new student involvement and recruitment, and distribution of funds to organizations for student involvement in competitions, conferences, volunteer, and outreach opportunities.  The hope for this organization is to create a unified council for the betterment of the Herff College of Engineering by maximizing the student organization collaboration and available funding.

Criteria for Membership
Must be a designated current member of a student organization (RSO) in Herff College of Engineering that is registered with the University of Memphis.

IEEE Eta Kappa Nu (Kappa Lambda Chapter)

Aaron Robinson/ Electrical and Computer Engineering

In addition to having the required scholastic rank, members of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) must: possess an unimpeachable character; are able to make use of the knowledge and information acquired; have the capacity and willingness for hard work; work in harmony with all types of people; have a genial nature.

National Affiliation
IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Aaron Robinson/ Electrical and Computer Engineering

We learn, connect, and innovate through our workshops, tours, and competitions.

IEEE is a global organization with over 400,000 members. Our Student Branch at University of Memphis provides  opportunities for students such as our technical workshops, industry tours, and competitions such as the annual Robot Competition, Programming competition, Website design competition, and T-shirt design competition.

The best way to find out about our events is through our emails! You will also be entered into a giveaway. If you ever need to contact us, the best way is: IEEE@memphis.edu.

  • Join our email list (about 1 email per week)
  • Join our Discord (get the inside scoop)
  • Check us out on LinkedIn
  • View our full calendar on our website

Criteria for Membership
Anyone interested in a field covered by the IEEE organization as a whole. Usually members are enrolled in Engineering, Engineering Technology, Computer Science, or any related field.

National Affiliation
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Institute of Transportation Engineering

Dr. Stephanie Ivey/Civil Engineering

The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and the National Network for the Transportation Workforce (NNTW) are pleased to announce a collaborative working partnership to promote an increasingly skilled professional transportation and engineering workforce.

Contact Us: sslayers@memphis.edu.

Criteria for Membership
Interest in the Field

National Affiliation
Institute of Transportation Engineers

National Society of Black Engineers Aaron Robinson and Shelia Moses/Inter-departmental

The mission of the National Society of Black Engineers is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community. 

Criteria for Membership
Majoring in an engineering or other STEM discipline at the University of Memphis or willing to work towards the goal of the group.

National Affiliation
National Society of Black Engineers National Chapter

Society of Automotive Engineers John Hochstein/Mechanical Engineering

Baja SAE® consists of competitions that simulate real-world engineering design projects and their related challenges. Engineering students are tasked to design and build an off-road vehicle that will survive the severe punishment of rough terrain. Each team's goal is to design and build a single-seat, all-terrain, sporting vehicle whose structure contains the driver. The vehicle is to be a prototype for a reliable, maintainable, ergonomic, and economic production vehicle which serves a recreational user market.
>> Baja SAE Facebook Page

Criteria for Membership
Dual Membership Requirement - Society of Automotive Engineers International

National Affiliation
Society of Automotive Engineers

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Isaiah Surbrook/Inter-departmental


Society of Women Engineers

Amy Curry/Inter-departmental

Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is a national organization that provides support and networking opportunities to students in engineering and other STEM fields. By connecting with the professionals of SWE, members are able to develop career skills and meet with fellow STEM students.
>> SWE Facebook Page

Criteria for Membership
Members should be majoring or have interest in engineering or another STEM field.

National Affiliation
Society of Women Engineers

Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Amy Curry/Inter-departmental

Tau Beta Pi is the only engineering honor society representing the entire engineering profession. It is the nation's second-oldest honor society, founded at Lehigh University in 1885 to mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon their Alma Mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as students in engineering, or by their attainments as alumni in the field of engineering, and to foster a spirit of liberal culture in engineering colleges.

Criteria for Membership
Undergraduate students whose scholarship places them in the top eighth of their engineering class in their next-to-last year or in the top fifth of their engineering class in their last college year are eligible for membership consideration. These scholastically eligible students are further considered on the basis of personal integrity, breadth of interest both inside and outside engineering, adaptability, and unselfish activity.

National Affiliation
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Jeffrey Marchetta/Mechanical Engineering

The purpose of this organization is to provide its members the opportunity to gain broader insight into aerospace science and engineering. The organization will sponsor student projects and participate in AIAA national, regional and local activities as appropriate.

Criteria for Membership
Membership is open to all students currently enrolled at the University of Memphis who are AIAA national members. Students are required to pay dues to the national organization in order to join the local student chapter. University of Memphis faculty are also welcome to join the student chapter if they are AIAA national members.

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics