Business Law Certificate

The goal of the Certificate in Business Law is to enable students who are interested in a career involving business-related practice areas to follow a specialized course of study, to work closely with other students interested in the area, and to receive guidance from faculty members with an interest and expertise in business law. A student who receives the Certificate in Business Law demonstrates knowledge of fundamental principles of business-related legal issues and competence in the skills essential to a business-related practice.

For more information about the Certificate in Business Law, please contact Prof. Kevin Smith at ksmith@memphis.edu 


Course requirements are available on the Certificate Comparison Chart here.  


A student enrolls by completing the Certificate Declaration Form and then submitting the completed Business Law Certificate Registration Form to the Director of the Business Law Certificate program. In completing the form, the student certifies that he or she can satisfy the grade requirements for the Certificate program and is committed to completing all of the Program's requirements. A student will be dropped from the Program if he or she fails to meet the requirements.