Law Review Current Journal

Volume 54, Book 1
Adam H. Rosenzweig - BEPS: Endgame
Teyah S. Giannetta, Audrey L. Cerfoglio, & Monica K. Miller - Eliminating Bias in
the Courtroom? A Content Analysis of Judges' Opinions Regarding Implicit Bias Training
Shannon C. Benson - Principle of Proportionality - State v. Booker: Tennessee's Delicate
Entrance into the Miller Movement for Furthering Juvenile Justice
Nicholas S. Barnhart - Home Is Where the Carbon Is: Using the Tax Code to Reduce Carbon
Emissions in the Residential Sectore
Bradford P. Anderson - The Homeowner Association: A Descent Into Dante's Inferno Palliated
By A Summons To Improve The Hate-Hate Relationship Through Transparent Disclosures
Phillip B. Ruston - Protecting the Middle Claiborne Aquifer and Other Interstate Groundwaters
Through Interstate Compact
Volume 54, Book 2
Oladeji M. Tiamiyu - Resuscitating E-Commerce's Transnational Promise with Out-of-Court
Lawrence J. Trautman, Larry D. Foster II - The FTX Crypto Debacle: Largest Fraud Since
Stephen M. Rice - A Design-Focused Approach to Legal Argument and the Logical Fallacy
of Equivocation
Haylie N. Lovelace - Tennessee's Education Savings Account Pilot Program: An Equal
Protection Violation Under the Guise of "School Choice"
Kelsey L. McClain - If the Purpose of the Tennessee Health Care Liability Act Is to
Block Access to the Courts, Then It Is Succeeding - But "Surely, That Is Not the Intent
of Our Elected Representatives"
Peter L. Bouck - Home Rule End Run: The Tennessee Equal Protection Clause After Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson Count v. Tennessee Department of
Jordan Faulkner - FREE from Exploitation: Why Adding Supported Decision-Making to
the FREE Act Is Essential to Better Prevent Conservatorship Exploitation
Alexis C. Hivner - Clock-Out or Time-Out: Alston's Game Changing Impact on Student-Athletes' Employment Status
Stephen A. Simon, J.D., PH.D. - Unwarranted Hierarchy: The Supreme Court's Failure
to Explain the Differential Treatment of Rights in the Constitutional Fact Doctrine
Jean Steadman, Aleatra Alexandra, Constance Anastopoulo, and William Janssen - It's
Elementary? Let's Play Rock, Paper, Scissors: Civil Procedure, Property, Contracts,
and Torts During First-Year Law School Orientation
Mary Clare Walters - State Discretion Is Not Enough: The Case for a Constitutional
Right to Fetal Personhood
Volume 54, Book 4
Abigail E. Andre - In Pursuit of Equity Under NEPA: Apalachicola's Invisibility in
the Tristate Water Wars
Mia Montoya Hammersley - In Defense of Land and Water Protectors: Environmental Justice
and the Criminalization of Environmental Activism
Clifford J. Villa - A New Day For Environmental Justice at the U.S. EPA
Abigail Flemming & Photini Kamvisseli Suarez - When Justice Destroys Cement Monsters