Curriculum for AuD Program

Assumed Background: Most, or all this assumed coursework will have been completed as part of your undergraduate degree program. However, if not, this coursework may be taken during your Au.D. Program at The University of Memphis and is not required for admission:

Non-CSD Courses:

  • Biological Sciences
  • Mathematical Sciences - Statistics Preferred
  • Physical Sciences
  • Behavioral Sciences

May be taken from a CSD program (including ours);

  • Normal Speech/Language Development
  • Language Disorders
  • Phonetic Transcription

Au.D. Degree Requirements (99 Hours)

Basic Science Coursework (11 Hours)

  • AUSP 8001 Psychoacoustics (3)
  • AUSP 8019 Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory System I (3)
  • AUSP 8020 Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory System II (3)  
  • AUSP 8022 Sound and Measurement (2)

Major Area Coursework 48 Hours)

  • AUSP 8101 Audiological Concepts (3)
  • AUSP 8103 Diagnostic and Medical Audiology (3)
  • AUSP 8105 Foundations in Vestibular Assessment and Rehabilitation (3)
  • AUSP 8106 Advanced Vestibular Assessment and Rehabilitation (3) 
  • AUSP 8107 Auditory Implants (3)
  • AUSP 8108 Communication Sciences and Disorders and Public Health (3)
  • AUSP 8110 Gerald A. Studebaker Lectures (1) (2 hours required)
  • AUSP 8113 Introduction to Audiologic Rehabilitation I (3)
  • AUSP 8114 Introduction to Hearing Aids (3)
  • AUSP 8115 Pediatric Audiology (3)
  • AUSP 8116 Hearing Aid Provision (3)
  • AUSP 8118 Electrophysiologic Assessment of the Auditory System (3)
  • AUSP 8128 Evidence-Based Practice in Amplification (3)
  • AUSP 8129 Audiologic Rehabilitation and Counseling (3) 
  • AUSP 8031 Practice Management and Billing in Audiology (2)
  • AUSP 8032 - Professional Development in Communication Sciences and Disorders (1)
  • AUSP 8214 Advanced Clinical Laboratory (1) (4 credits required, 1 each for Audiologic Concepts, Intro to Hearing Aids, Hearing Aid Provision, and Foundations in Vestibular Assessment and Rehabilitation) 

Clinical Practicum (30 Hours)

  • AUSP 8104 Clinical Experience in Audiology (24)
  • AUSP 8125 Clinical Externship in Audiology (6)

Other Courses (18 Hours)

Typical Course Sequence

  • Typical Course Sequence for AuD Program
  • Our program focuses on the integration of academic and clinical information obtained during the program. 
    • Students participate in a benchmark exam at the end of the 2nd semester in the program where students demonstrate the ability to integrate the knowledge obtained in the 1st two semesters of the program. 
    • At the end of year 2, students take written comprehensive exams 
    • During year 3, students participate in an oral comprehensive exam.