Research Security

International engagement is a key priority for the University of Memphis as we continue to expand our global impact. This page is intended to help University of Memphis researchers navigate new research security rules that accompany international collaboration.

Research security covers a wide range of federal initiatives meant to protect academic research from being misappropriated to the detriment of national security. These initiatives have been enumerated in National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 (NSPM-33), subsequent guidance from the Office of Science and Technology Policy in 2022 and 2023, and the CHIPS and Science Act (also known as CHIPS). NSPM-33 and CHIPS require universities, including the University of Memphis, to take active measures to safeguard research. These initiatives have led to the creation of new rules and a closer review of international collaborations that may affect your work. 

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) in collaboration with NIH, DoD and DoE has recently launched four interactive online research security training modules. These modules are designed to enhance principled international collaboration while ensuring a secure research environment. These training modules are available free online, and users can download completion certificates, but the modules will not save a record of your training. For accessing the NSF training, click here.

The Office of Research Compliance tracks new research security regulations and can help you figure out how they apply to your work. Send questions to: researchcompliance@memphis.edu