Manage Award


The authority to accept an award on behalf of the University has been delegated to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).  If you receive an award, please route it to Award Intake email for system logging and staff assignment. Once a proposal is selected for funding, OSP will review the proposal record , award document and compliance .  The goal is to ensure that there are no terms that would either violate university policies or impede the researcher's ability to carry out the project. If the award contains problematic terms (publication restrictions, burdensome requirements, governing law) OSP will try to negotiate with the sponsor to remove them, working with the principal investigator, the administrating department, and the office of Grants and Contracts Accounting.


There are many types of research-related agreements. If you are unsure which office has primary responsibility for an agreement, please see the responsibility matrix page for guidance. To assist in determining if an incoming agreement is a OSP or a service agreement handled by Procurement Services, please see the contractor determination sheet.


Sponsored Agreements
Advance Accounts 
Non-Financial Post-Award 
Reports and Deliverables
Subaward Administration 
Closing the Award