Undergraduate Communication Courses
Please click on the title for a SAMPLE syllabus
COMM 1851 – Introduction to Film
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Comprehensive study of the forms, functions and history of film art,
emphasis on developing student's critical skills and aesthetic appreciation through
analysis of complex formal, social, historical and critical dimensions of the art
of film. (G)
COMM 2020 – TV/Video/Radio Production Lab (dual enrollment)
Credit Hours (1-3) Former: (1823)
Description: Experiences in production of broadcast quality television studio, radio
station and remote productions. Students assume technical positions on a variety of
assignments as production assistants. Repeatable, may be repeated for a maximum of
3 hours credit.
COMM 2030 - Smart Phone Production (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: The course offers instruction in techniques for recording and editing
cell phone video in multiple production styles. It explores lighting, shot content,
continuity and production tools
COMM 2100 – Communication Inquiry
Credit hours (3)
Description: History and development of the discipline of communication; emphasis
on rhetoric, social science and media; theories and models of communication. Examine
definitions and models of the communication process and focus on the development of
major theories in the discipline with a particular emphasis on how these theories
apply to everyday life.
COMM 2101 – Media Literacy (No preview available)
Credit hours (3)
Description: Critical analysis of media representations, systems, cultures and audiences;
focus on building foundational skills in practical media engagement for everyday life.
COMM 2381 – Oral Communication
Credit Hours (3)
Description: In this class students will gain greater competence as communicators
and develop skills that will enhance their personal, professional and public communication,
adopting techniques that increase their effectiveness, reflect their identity and
correspond with their scholarly and professional goals
COMM 3001 – Rhetoric/Civic Controversy
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Introduction to history and practice of rhetoric as the art of civic
engagement in a democracy, focus on key terms, ethical assumptions and interpretative
tools of rhetoric study; analysis of contemporary and historical cases in focal and
national controversy.
COMM 3003 – Television and Culture
Credit Hours (3) Former: (3861)
Description: Social, political and aesthetic dimensions of television in contemporary
culture. Understand television as a unique meaning-producing medium, develop televisual
literacy, understand the changing roles of television in American and global cultures.
COMM 3012 – Health Communication
Credit Hours: (3) Former: (4012)
Description: Examination of the role of communication in health care; application
theory and practice to the health care context from provider-patient interaction to
cultural influences on health. In this course we will study the theory and practice
of health communication within the context of personal, organizational and cultural
factors. Designed to give you an overview of Health Communication, which is a sub-discipline
of Communication, this course is applicable not only to communication students but
also to those in the health-related fields of study. In each unit, we will explore
health communication theory, practice and research from a narrative perspective. The
assignments and readings throughout the course will help you academically and professionally,
as well as help you understand your own healthcare story.
COMM 3100 – Communication Ethics
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Exploration of principles, theories, and philosophical approaches to
ethics of human communication; emphasis on decision-making, critical thinking and
awareness of personal responsibilities as a sender and receiver of messages.
COMM 3321 – Argumentation and Advocacy
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Theories of argumentation with an emphasis on developing skills in analyzing,
reasoning and using evidence in political advocacy. Students will learn the role of
advocacy, debate and deliberation in public decision making. PREREQUISITE: COMM 2301
COMM 3322 - Persuasion & Influence
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Principles underlying communication designed to influence attitudes or
behavior; approaches to motivation, perception, message structure, attention, reasoning,
audience analysis, persuasability, and attitude change; items for analysis drawn from
speeches, advertising, radio, television, and film.
COMM 3330 - Communication Research Methods
Credit Hours (4)
Description: Examination and application of qualitative and quantitative methods of
research. Three hours of lecture, one hour of laboratory per week. PREREQUISITE: COMM
2100 and COMM 2101.
COMM 3341 – Discussion
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Study and practice of principles and techniques of discussion, dealing
with current problems of wide interest and significance. Educate students about various
commercial, governmental, philanthropic, education, legal and health systems which
contribute to a community. Meet with key leaders from a variety of fields to gain
understanding of various facets that contribute to a community's function and let
how these leaders successfully navigate their fields.
COMM 3342 – Communication and Leadership
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Relationship between communication variables and leadership styles and
effectiveness in various organizational and group setting. Educate students about
leadership issues, including self-understanding, working with others and employing
a collaborative model of leadership. Students will be exposed to elements of leadership
through assigned readings, discussions, research projects and informed presentations.
COMM 3360 – Rhetoric of Pop Culture
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Investigation of rhetorics of U.S. culture; focus on how constructions
of class, gender, race and sexuality work in contemporary television, film, music
and advertising. In the Rhetoric of Pop Culture, you will engage critically with the
artifacts of our common cultural life, including movies, sports, television, musicals,
graphic novels, music videos, online memes and video games. Through an understanding
of rhetorical concepts, you will form a deeper sensibility and awareness of how rhetoric
structures day-to-day life.
COMM 3361 – African American Rhetoric
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Speeches and rhetoric of African Americans; emphasis on spokespersons
such as Walker, Turner, Douglass, Washington, DuBois, Malcom X, King, Davis and Jackson.
To stimulate objective examination and analysis for the African Americans and their
COMM 3362 – Rhetoric in Southern Culture (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: The purpose of this course is to analyze and critique the way rhetorical
discourse creates and defines Southern culture and identity. Specific attention will
be spent on facets of southern culture such as leisure, the arts, religion, sports,
politics, tourism, place, commemoration and historical narratives. How the South is
defined in terms of race, gender, and class identity will be key features of the course.
COMM 3561 Gender in Communication
Credit Hours (3)
Description: This class provides a foundation of gender theories used in communication
research and applies these theories and concepts to the way gender becomes instituted
within our culture. The class deals with institutions such as family, religion, work,
education, media and government. Students will gain a better understanding of the
role communication plays in the formation, navigation, maintenance and disruption
of institutional gender expectations and norms.
COMM 3801 – TV Production Technique /JOUR
Credit Hours (3)
Description: For majors in the broadcast journalism sequence, basic principles and
techniques of video production with production exercises. Discussion of composition,
shot lists, equipment request forms, cameras, tripods, shoot LS, MS& CU of subject.
PREREQUISITE: Permission of instructor. Cross listing: JOUR
COMM 3823 – Motion Picture Prod I
Credit Hours (4)
Description: Basic production skills and theory; still and 16 mm motion picture photography,
film editing; hands-on production exercises.
COMM 3824 – Motion Picture Prod II
Credit Hours (4)
Description: Continued production skills and theory utilizing digital cameras and
digital post production; extensive production exercises. PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade
of "C": in COMM 3823 or permission of instructor.
COMM 3842 – TV Studio Production I
Credit Hours (4)
Description: Techniques of studio TV production, including staging and direction of
programs. PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of "C" in COMM 3823 or permission of instructor.
COMM 3950 - Intro to Scriptwriting (Nor preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: This course offers an introduction to scriptwriting for a variety of
media with a focus on fiction films and documentaries, PSAs, and TV series. The art
of “visual writing” is emphasized. Students will produce short format scripts on their
own and present them to the rest of the class. Collaborative learning in the form
of group workshops and constructive critique are key elements of the class. While
this is not a pre-requisite for Screenwriting or Documentary Writing, the concepts
covered in class will provide an excellent foundation for these more advanced level
writing courses in the program.
COMM 4011 – Communication in Organizations
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Study of communication systems and problems in contemporary organizations
with emphasis on the role of communication in corporate culture and organizational
change. Surveys the communication process in complex organizations. Understand organizational
communication theories, models and processes. Emphasizes teamwork.
COMM 4013 – Political Communication
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Investigation of various forms of political communication; texts drawn
primarily from current political disputes in the U.S.; focus on improving basic skills
of critical thinking and writing about civic life.
COMM 4015 – Health Literacy
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Development of health literacy as an area of concern in healthcare including
patient/provider interactions, public health campaigns, health education, healthcare
reform and health insurance.
COMM 4016 – Public Health Campaigns (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Examination of the fundamentals of public health communication as well
as the latest public health communication innovations, tools, technologies, research
and strategies.
COMM 4210 – 4219 – Special Topics in Communication Studies (No preview available)
Credit Hours (1-3)
Description: Topics are varied and announced in online class listings. Repeatable.
May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours credit when topic varies.
COMM 4223 – Entertainment, Media, and Health (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: This course is designed to provide an overview of theory and research
regarding the intersection of information available via media outlets and various
aspects of public and personal health. In this course we examine the potential impact
of media content on public health outcomes, both as a product of individuals’ everyday
interaction with media and as a result of strategic use of media-based efforts to
accomplish public health goals.
COMM 4224 - 4229 – Special Topics in Film (No preview available)
Credit Hours (1-3)
Description: Topics are varied and in online class listings. Repeatable. May be repeated
for a maximum of 9 hours credit when topic varies.
COMM 4340 – Listening
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Exploration of communication theory and practice from perspective of
listening, philosophical, practical, personal dimensions of listening as an art of
being as well as a mode of doing. To enhance one's inner capacity to listen. This
course requires rigorous thought and openness to reorienting one's perspective of
communication as well as reawakens one's ability to wonder about ultimate indestructible
questions of life.
COMM 4341 – Interpersonal Communication
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Theory, research and practice regarding dyadic communication. Introductory
course which focuses upon the dynamics of interaction interpersonal and small group
settings. Introduce students to the basic concepts and theories of interpersonal and
small group communication and to provide an opportunity for the application and criticism
of these theories through class exercises and discussions.
COMM 4342 – Small Group Communication
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Study of group communication theory emphasizing group membership, member
perceptions, group development, group processes and group outcomes. Being a member
of a group or responsible for leading a group can be a difficult experience yet we
are often called up- whether at school, work or participating in some leisure activities
– to fulfill one or more role. This course will focus on small groups and team interaction
with the primary purpose of increasing your understanding of the principles of group
communication so that you may learn to function more effectively in personal and professional
setting. Practical application within the classroom should increase the likelihood
of retention and use of the concepts outside of the classroom as part of a life-long
COMM 4360 – Rhetoric of Social Movements
Credit Hours (3)
Description: This course aims to explain the rhetoric that surrounds social protest-both
from the protestors and the resisters. More specifically, we will define the social
movement, explain its development, and look at the specific rhetorical strategies
that movements generally employ. By the end of the course, students should be familiar
with several specific social movements and have a better understanding of the rhetorical
construction of social protest.
COMM 4363 – Dialogue
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Theoretical, philosophical and practical exploration of dialogic communication
and relations. Enhance awareness and appreciation of dialogic communication values
as applicable to a wide range of communication contexts and goals. Convene and engage
in dialogue practices.
COMM 4364 – Gender and Social Change
Credit Hours (3)
Description: History of gender topics in U.S. public discourse. The course covers
gender and rhetorical theory analyzing the social and cultural significance gendered
voices and topics have played and continue to play in U.S. history. Focus is given
to various 19th, 20th and 21st century issues.
COMM 4365 – Place/Community/Communication
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Exploration of interrelationships between human interaction, created
places and natural world; emphasis on communication environment, broadly conceived
and its effect on community. Develop a basic method, vocabulary and historical vantage.
COMM 4373 – Interracial Communication
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Special problems encountered in communication among races; readings,
discussion and field study of how prejudice, stereotypes and self-concepts can affect
communication; exploration of methods to minimize these problems.
COMM 4374 – Studies in Communication Arts
Credit Hours (1-3)
Description: Independent research in areas of special interest of communication, broadcast
and electronic media, and film and video. Synthesis and extension of knowledge in
communication studies; demonstrated integration of learning and positioning to move
on as individuals, citizens and/or professionals. PREREQUESTIE: Permission of instructor.
COMM 4375 – Intercultural Communication
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Special problems encountered in communication among people of different
cultural backgrounds; focus on understanding communication between and among people
with different national/cultural backgrounds and functioning ore effectively in multicultural
COMM 4380 - Communication and Conflict
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Theories and methods of conflict management and resolution focusing on
practical communication skills; concepts of perception, listening and peacemaking
emphasized. This course will focus on interpersonal conflict emphasizing both communication
theory and the experiential application of the course content. The course content
will be explored through exercises and discussion designed to develop and/or enhance
skills such as: listening, the effective presentation of ideas and emotions and conflict
COMM 4381 – Senior Capstone
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Synthesis and extension of knowledge in communication studies; demonstrated
integration of learning and positioning to move on as individuals, citizens and/or
professionals. Students will create a portfolio representing past course projects
as well as carry out a capstone research project. PREREQUESITE: COMM 3330 and senior
standing or permission of instructor.
COMM 4400 – Contemplative Communication
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Non-analytical approach to communication theory and practice; holistic-communal
perspective of relational experience; benefits of silence, stillness and solitude
are interrelated with the values of openness, receptiveness and responsiveness. This
course approaches the study of communication from a contemplative perspective; from
a deep consideration of the challenge to live deliberately. We will contemplate rather
than analyze in deepening our thinking in relational terms. Instead of trying to adapt
to the increasing acceleration of communication activities, we will attempt to deescalate
communicative pressure in order to cultivate more reflection, care and thoughtfulness
in our relations with other. Instead of breaking the world down, we will work on building
it up, seeking wholeness beyond manipulation and control, increasing wonder over dullness.
We will strive to contemplate communication in relation to living our lives as opposed
to deadening them. Adopting such a contemplative approach to communication will entail
working away from a separatist model of communicative relation, in which action pre-dominates,
toward working with a more communal model in which contemplation liberates action.
COMM 4802 – Internship (No preview available)
Credit Hours (1-3)
Description: Field studies in communication. Supervised practical work with government
institutions, nonprofit organizations, private business, film companies and broadcast
and electronic media firm. Written analysis of experience required. Repeatable. May
be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: Permission of instructor.
COMM 4811 –The Internet and New Media
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Examination of long tail phenomenon and other theories behind convergent
media; people and organizations producing and distributing work on the Internet and
other alternative channels; new distribution forms challenges and assumptions about
how mass media should and does work. The emergence of digital media has radically
changed our society. From the ways we spend money to the ways we socialize, and from
how we travel to how we wage war, digital media have touched nearly every aspect of
our lives. While keeping a critical eye on dangers and promise of the digital age,
we will talk directly to people who are producing and distributing their work on the
Internet and other alternative channels, and we will explore how these new distribution
forms challenge assumptions about how media should/do work. Students in COMM 4811
will not only learn to think critically about the social impact of digital media,
but will also learn to use media creatively in their everyday lives.
COMM 4822 Audio Production Film/Video
Credit Hours (3)
Description Intermediate principles and practices of audio (recording, editing, mixing
and design) with emphasis on film and video production. This course is designed primarily
for students in the film and video production sequence. Emphasizing practical applications
of sound recording techniques, signal processing, structuring and design, the course
requires extensive "hands-on" work. We will also be discussing various theories dealing
with the relationship of sound to image. PREREQUISITE: A minimum grade of "C" in COMM
3824 or permission of instructor.
COMM 4824 – Cinematography
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Art of visual interpretation with strong concentration in theory and
techniques of lighting. Experience with professional cameras and lighting equipment.
This course is designed to expand your knowledge so that you will have a better understanding
of the tools and procedures necessary for solving the multitude of problems, aesthetic
and technical, that confront the image-maker. While I have incorporated a number of
exercises and a final project to allow you the opportunity to apply these concepts,
there is no provision made for the kind of day-to-day production work that is required
in order to become truly skilled. Rather, the course attempts to lay a foundation
upon which you can later build. PREREQUISITE: A minimum grade of "C" in COMM 3824
or permission of instructor.
COMM 4825 – Editing/Post Production
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Aesthetics of continuity development in a variety of editing styles;
editing techniques and post-production procedures. PREREQUISITE: A minimum grade of
"C" in COMM 3824 or permission of instructor.
COMM 4841 – Television Workshop
Credit Hours (3)
Description: TV studio production. Students work together to produce broadcast quality
television programs in which students will serve as crew and produce some content.
Repeatable. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours; repetition will not
result in a change of any grade previously given. PREREQUESITE: COMM 3842 or permission
of instructor.
COMM 4842 – TV Studio Production II
Credit Hours (4)
Description: Advanced training in TV studio/multiple camera techniques; extensive
production work. Students will have opportunities to exercise technical expertise
in the production of broadcast quality television studio productions. Assume technical
positions on a variety of production assignments as camera operator, sound engineer,
technical director, floor director, talent and VTR operator among others. Study the
dynamics of interpersonal communication, television aesthetics and various stages
of project execution. PREREQUISITE: COMM 3842.
COMM 4850 – Film History I
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Historical survey of motion pictures from medium's pre-history to 1940;
emphasis on narrative film.
COMM 4851 – Film History II
Credit (3)
Description: Historical survey of the major movements, genres and themes in narrative
film from 1940-1980.
COMM 4853 – Documentary Form Film
Credit hours (3)
Description: Development of non-fiction film as rhetorical and expressive form; analysis
of individual films, genres and filmmakers.
COMM 4856 – Gender and Film
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Examines how gender, and consequently race and sexuality, are represented
in film. Specific attention is given to feminist approaches in film studies.
COMM 4858 – Contemporary Cinema
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Major themes and styles in international and U.S. narrative film from
1980 to present.
COMM 4859 – Monster Films (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Survey of classic and contemporary monster films exploring monstrosity
as a social and cultural category for organizing, classifying and managing change.
COMM 4860 – Reality TV
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Examine and critically evaluate the many facets of Reality TV; attempt
to identify the roots of our increasingly voyeuristic society, understand the production
values of reality-based programs and speculate as to what the future holds.
COMM 4861 – Science Fiction Film (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: This course will examine science fiction and styles of international
and U. S. narrative film from 1960s to present. The course argues that science fiction
has become one of the most important genres of contemporary cinema. The course asks
how science fiction cinema has dealt with uncertainties of modern-day life, including,
but not limited to, human extinction, technological advances and robotic and cyborg
COMM 4862 – Ecocinema – Criticism and Practice (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: In an age of environmental challenges with erratic weather events, national and international emergencies, learning about
the environment is not enough as it requires actions. These actions can be performed
effectively by a communicator such as media professionals, and communication specialists.
This course is designed to encourage and prepare you to understand the relationship
between community-engaged stewardship and the environment. Moreover, it enables you
to create your own project that can effectively address the pressing environmental
issues in your own communities.
COMM 4891 – Directing for Film
Credit Hours (3) FORMER: (Producing/Directing Film/Video)
Description: This class deals with essential elements of directing dramatic action
for film. Focus on scene analysis, blocking for the camera and working with actors.
Coverage of important readings, intensive production work and extensive written preparation
by students when directing and committed production by students when not directing.
Fee Broadcast and Film. PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of "C" in COMM 3824 or permission
of instructor.
COMM 4892 – Film/Video Production
Credit Hours (1-3)
Description: Film and video production workshop. Class members write, produce, direct
or assume crew responsibilities on productions. Repeatable. May be repeated for a
maximum of 6 hours credit. See departmental guidelines for independent production
requirements and procedures. PREREQUISITE: COMM 3824 and permission of instructor.
COMM 4893 – Producing for Film
Credit Hours (3)
Description: The goal of this course is to acquaint the student with the overall film/video
making process through the lens of the producer – how to take a film idea from conception
to completion. Examine in depth the world of the producer as s/he finds and sells
a concept, budgets, schedules, assembles a crew, oversees post-production, and markets
his/her project. Explore how the producer operates in the "Hollywood" system – from
dealing with agents and managers to finding talent and developing screenplays. Hands-on
approach the learning essential tools of an aspiring executive/producer in Hollywood.
Fee Production course fee applies. PREREQISITE: COMM 3824 or permission of instructor.
Cross listing: COMM 6893.
COMM 4894 – Video for Organizations (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Students will gain "hands-on" experience producing video content for
clients, applying skills in writing, producing, directing, cinematography, sound design
and editing. Practical application of video production skills will give students a
working understanding of how to create video work for employers/clients in the future.
The course requires extensive "hands-on" work, along with discussions of various concerns
dealing the interaction of the various production components. The class structure
is a blend of seminar and workshop style. Students are required to be actively involved
and participate in the production of a series of video projects Fee Broadcast and
Film. PREREQUISITE: COMM 3824 or permission of instructor.
COMM 4960 – Documentary Writing (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Writing for non-fiction media. This course will examine the theory, techniques
and ethics of documentary storytelling in both moving picture media and audio. Students
will explore and practice the special planning and writing that distinguishes documentary
from fictional programs while also developing the skills and standards necessary to
effective creators and critical observers of documentaries.
COMM 4970 – Screenwriting
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Writing for fiction film and television; basic dramatic theory, narrative
structure, characterization, dialogue, adaptation and the unique demands of audio
visual media.
COMM 4980 – Honors Studies (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Reserved for students enrolled in Communication Honors Program. Repeatable.
May be repeated for a maximum of 15 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: permission of Director
of Communication Honors Program.
COMM 4982 – Honors Seminar (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Intensive study of particular problems in communication. Repeatable.
May be repeated for a maximum of 12 hours credit when semester topics vary. PREREQUISITES:
permission of Director of Communication Honors Program.
COMM 4993 – Senior Practicum (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Independent work in radio, video or film production. Each student has
complete creative control of a program rom conception through final product. See departmental
guidelines for independent production requirements and procedures. PREREQUISITE: Permission
of instructor.
COMM 4999 – Senior Honors Thesis (No preview available)
Credit Hours (3)
Description: Supervised independent research project. Open only to students enrolled
in the Communication Honors Program. Repeatable. May be repeated for a maximum of
6 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: Permission of Director of Communications Honors Program.